We prepared and compared the breakfasts from different countries of the world

Breakfast is important. We used to think that it needs to be dense and include carbohydrates and proteins. Because mum was taught that before school it is necessary to eat cereal, to have the strength to learn. Interestingly, in other countries is used to serve completely different dishes, and someone morning meal more like a snack.
The authors Site for 11 days tried the breakfasts people from different countries. Every day their we were prepared by our wonderful cook. Most of all we liked the Egyptian, Israeli and... the one to which you are accustomed from childhood (well, Yes, we are predictable).

What we liked: the Breakfast is hearty and quite tasty. Large amounts of protein — both animal and plant — energizes for a long time.
What's not to like: a Lot of fried, beans and mushrooms, combined with fatty bacon — not too an easy task for the stomach. And this amount of food is more suitable for lunch.

What we liked: Bread, vegetables and dairy products are saturated, but left a feeling of lightness.
What is not liked: Breakfast, consisting of some snacks, looks at least strange — because we used to have in the morning hot.

What we liked: Very satisfying and very useful. These meals provide vitamins and nutrients with a vengeance. This Breakfast is perfect for a challenging and a busy day.
What's not to like: the Disadvantages here are difficult to find. Except that would require a lot of time to eat it all.

What we liked: Simple, fast and surprisingly delicious.
What is not liked: the Breakfast is poor, after that quickly you eat. And the benefits dubious.

What we liked: Quite a usual, nutritious and tasty Breakfast that has proteins and carbohydrates.
What's not to like: Garlic for Breakfast! That says it all.

What we liked: Ideal if overslept and urgently needs to get to work.
What's not to like: the Most boring Breakfast of all, and there after he wanted in two hours.

What we liked: Familiar and favorite Breakfast since kindergarten.
What is not liked: It was a complete version of the usual Breakfast, more suitable for men. Usually we eat all the same a little less — for example porridge with a sandwich or a scrambled egg sandwich. The female half of the editors thought that in this option, Breakfast is too dense.

What we liked: Sweet and very satisfying.
What's not to like: the same thing: too sweet and too satisfying. The combination of fatty, sugary-sweet, sour, and even with milk... Brrr, very strange. Breakfast left a bad feeling of heaviness which quickly gave way to hunger, as after a meal in a well-known American fast food chains.

What we liked: Delicious.
What's not to like: Little.

What we liked: Shakshuka is not just scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The taste is very bright — due to the ripe tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, garlic and spices. Mmm, simply delicious.
What is not liked: Yes I liked everything!

What we liked: balanced Breakfast: carbohydrates, protein (hummus and falafel), dairy products. All goes well between them and very tasty.
What's not to like: Well, fans of the sausages will not appreciate, but vegetarians will love it!
See also
How school Lunches look in different countries
What ordinary people eat in different countries
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