Tale, mentally
Knight went to the cave, looked at the stone covering the entrance, and sat there, leaning against the warm rock. Sit back, put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes blissfully.
Hey, Dragon! - Knight yelled without opening glaz.- you home?
-At Home, - he said of the stone dragon.
More is to come out not far-fetched?
Well, okay, it's up. And look, if you suddenly decide to ...
-I Will tell you in advance.
Knight shifted to Breastplate not pressed on his shoulder, and continued, without raising his voice:
-In The city yesterday was a holiday. With the carnival. Singers come.
Yeah? - Interested Drakon.- And who acted?
-What Something with Silver Seven Islands. Cornflower was also. And this, always forget her name ...
No, the other. And, I remember, Dragonfly.
Well, and how are they?
-normal - Knight shrugged. The dragon could not see, but heard the rattle of armor and sighed.
-And Some news to tell?
-Ugu. Nothing interesting.
Well all right then, - he sighed Drakon.- Devour had brought?
-Prines - Knight kicked a traveling bag.
-Do Not poisoned?
-No. Eat to your health.
-Uchti, I first try to give the princess.
-Can Do. I'm telling you, not poisoned.
Yes I do, just in case. Just to let you know.
-And You can talk to her?
-C Princess something? Wait a minute ...
Dragon rustled in the back of the cave, there were heard muffled voices, Dragon returned a minute later and said apologetically:
-Nelzya It clean. Tomorrow we'll talk.
Well then just ask her, she had to find out about what I asked?
-This Is about my weaknesses, or what?
-Khm ... Yes.
-She tried. I did not say.
Knight shrugged philosophically, plucked a blade of grass and put it in his mouth.
Well, okay then. Where were we last left off?
-Kon Gets royal pawn on the D5.
Yeah, right. Elephant on a4.
You're my queen sacrifice?
-You Know how to know.
-I Think ...
Dragon thought hesitantly moved forward Rook, Knight went to the horse, the opponents exchanged queens and postponed the end of the party tomorrow.
-Zhrachku I leave here - said Knight, climbing nogi.- you anything else you need?
-Yes. Occupy tomorrow, please, a little bit of writing paper. And the princess asked her to get the flute, he wants to learn to play.
-I Find it tutorial - I promised Rytsar.- and flute buy decently.
It's not very expensive? - I was worried Drakon.- there is some savings ...
-Don't - I waved Rytsar.- I pay pretty well for me to keep you in fear. You're afraid, right?
-Yeah! - Readily agreed Drakon.- Horrified simple. I even have a tail shaking, if you must know. So tell the mayor.
-I Give - Knight nodded.
Yeah, here's another. If Dragonfly has not had time to leave, you could not invite her to visit me?
In a day or two, no more. For a long time I did not see her, and the princess would have been nice to chat about her, about the maiden. And can, and would sing something ...
-I will ask.
-Thank you.
Well, see you tomorrow then. And if you decide ...
-Next time.
Knight got on his horse and rode away.
It's easy to be on good terms with those to whom you can not reach.
© bormor
Hey, Dragon! - Knight yelled without opening glaz.- you home?
-At Home, - he said of the stone dragon.
More is to come out not far-fetched?
Well, okay, it's up. And look, if you suddenly decide to ...
-I Will tell you in advance.
Knight shifted to Breastplate not pressed on his shoulder, and continued, without raising his voice:
-In The city yesterday was a holiday. With the carnival. Singers come.
Yeah? - Interested Drakon.- And who acted?
-What Something with Silver Seven Islands. Cornflower was also. And this, always forget her name ...
No, the other. And, I remember, Dragonfly.
Well, and how are they?
-normal - Knight shrugged. The dragon could not see, but heard the rattle of armor and sighed.
-And Some news to tell?
-Ugu. Nothing interesting.
Well all right then, - he sighed Drakon.- Devour had brought?
-Prines - Knight kicked a traveling bag.
-Do Not poisoned?
-No. Eat to your health.
-Uchti, I first try to give the princess.
-Can Do. I'm telling you, not poisoned.
Yes I do, just in case. Just to let you know.
-And You can talk to her?
-C Princess something? Wait a minute ...
Dragon rustled in the back of the cave, there were heard muffled voices, Dragon returned a minute later and said apologetically:
-Nelzya It clean. Tomorrow we'll talk.
Well then just ask her, she had to find out about what I asked?
-This Is about my weaknesses, or what?
-Khm ... Yes.
-She tried. I did not say.
Knight shrugged philosophically, plucked a blade of grass and put it in his mouth.
Well, okay then. Where were we last left off?
-Kon Gets royal pawn on the D5.
Yeah, right. Elephant on a4.
You're my queen sacrifice?
-You Know how to know.
-I Think ...
Dragon thought hesitantly moved forward Rook, Knight went to the horse, the opponents exchanged queens and postponed the end of the party tomorrow.
-Zhrachku I leave here - said Knight, climbing nogi.- you anything else you need?
-Yes. Occupy tomorrow, please, a little bit of writing paper. And the princess asked her to get the flute, he wants to learn to play.
-I Find it tutorial - I promised Rytsar.- and flute buy decently.
It's not very expensive? - I was worried Drakon.- there is some savings ...
-Don't - I waved Rytsar.- I pay pretty well for me to keep you in fear. You're afraid, right?
-Yeah! - Readily agreed Drakon.- Horrified simple. I even have a tail shaking, if you must know. So tell the mayor.
-I Give - Knight nodded.
Yeah, here's another. If Dragonfly has not had time to leave, you could not invite her to visit me?
In a day or two, no more. For a long time I did not see her, and the princess would have been nice to chat about her, about the maiden. And can, and would sing something ...
-I will ask.
-Thank you.
Well, see you tomorrow then. And if you decide ...
-Next time.
Knight got on his horse and rode away.
It's easy to be on good terms with those to whom you can not reach.
© bormor