15 deep and unmatched quotes Omar Khayyam about a person, happiness and love

Rubaiyat - one of the most difficult genre forms the Tajik-Persian poetry. Volume rubai - four lines, three of which (rarely four) rhyme with each other. Omar Khayyam - the unsurpassed master of the genre. His rubai hit keenness of observation and deep comprehension of the world and the human soul, the brightness of images and grace rhythm.

Astravolga.ru Website offers the reader a selection of great poetic aphorisms Omar Khayyam.
Nice to be - does not mean them to be born,
After all, the beauty we can learn.
When the beautiful soul man -
What looks can be compared with it?
One will not understand, than the smell of roses,
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey.
Somebody give me a trifle - for ever remember,
Someone you give life - and he did not understand
. ***
The lower a person soul, the higher the nose up.
He stretches his nose to where the soul has not grown.
Who bit of life, he will achieve more.
Pud salt ate higher valued honey.
Who shed tears, the genuine laughs.
Who dies, he knows that he lives!
The one window looked two.
One saw the rain and mud.
Other - green foliage ligature,
spring and the blue sky.
The one window looked two.
We are a source of fun - and sorrow mine
. We receptacle of filth - and pure spring
. Man, as if in a mirror world - many faces
. It is negligible - and he is immensely large
! ***
How often in life you make mistakes, lose those whom cherish.
Alien like trying, at times from the near run.
We lift up those who have not necessary, and the most faithful betray.
Who loves us, we offend and apologize themselves forward.
We are no longer in this world will not fall forever,
We shall never meet with friends at the table.
Catch the flying every moment -
it does not really lie in wait for ever afterwards.
Do not envy the one who is strong and rich,
for sunset dawn always comes.
With this life is short, which is equal to inhalation,
Treated like this you hire.
I think it's better to be alone,
The heat of the soul, "someone" to give.
Priceless gift giving to anybody,
Native met, you manage not to fall in love.
Not funny if all his life to save pennies,
If eternal life still will not buy?
This gave life to you, my dear, for a time, -
Try not to miss much time.
Give yourself - not to sell
. And next to bed - not to sleep
. Do not take revenge - not to forgive all
. Do not be next - does not mean not to love
. ***
To live life wisely, ought to know a lot,
Two important rules to remember the beginning:
You better starve than horrible there,
And better be alone than with just anyone.
Do not do evil - will come back like a boomerang,
Do not spit in the well - you will drink water,
Do not insult one who rank below,
What if necessary, ask for something.
Do not betray friends, they do not substitute for,
And do not lose loved ones - will not return,
Do not lie to yourself - with the time to check,
What is this lie myself you predaёsh.
Sorvany flower should be presented, which began the poem - appended, and lovely woman - happy, or should not have to take up that you can not afford
. via fit4brain.com/7071
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