15 things that happened 15 years ago, and it seems like only yesterday

Time is running so fast, that sometimes you will look a favorite serial release date - and smite: think opened it for myself just yesterday, but it turns out, has flown for so many years
. We are in the Website marveled, remembering that "Shrek" was released as much 15 years ago, and until 2001 we lived without the "Wikipedia».
World premiere of the film "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone "was held in November 2001, 40,041,253
As a result of the global motion picture rolled out to the 2nd place in history with the sum of more than 976 million dollars. At that time it was second only to "Titanic»
Steve Jobs introduced to the world with an amazing device -. IPod

And he gave music lovers a new and exciting opportunities.
Film studio Dreamworks Pictures befriended us with a fun green giant Shrek

"Shrek" was the first feature-length animated film in history, which has been awarded the film award "Oscar" for best animated feature film.
And Pixar's studio, in turn, presented the "Corporation monsters"

Thanks to Pixar, we learned that creepy (rather creepy cute) monsters actually exist, and loved them with all my heart.
Do you remember the funny little girl Boo, with the appearance of which has changed the life of monsters? Mary Gibbs, voiced her was so small that when there was a record, to play with her, so she spoke the words. And now Mary for 20 years!
Britney Spears won all his show at the ceremony of MTV Video Music Awards 2001
This performance at the VMA is considered one of the best in the entire artistic career of Britney. The singer has arranged representation in the spirit of the wild tropics, and in the end of the number, to the surprise of the audience began to dance with a python.
We fell in love with nurses and doctors 'clinics'

1st series "Clinics» (Scrubs) published October 2, 2001 on NBC and the show of the 9th series of the season ended in March 2010. It took 6 years, and the "clinic" was still popular with the audience, as cynical jokes Dr. Cox and JD vlyapyvatsya skill in funny situations almost leave no one indifferent.
There Networks earned the "Wikipedia"

And now seven woes - one answer
Released with Windows XP

! And now many of today's programs have not even work in Windows XP.
Director Peter Jackson released the first part of the cult film trilogy "Lord of the Rings"

May it be so. From now on, we - Fellowship of the Ring
Shakira changed her image and became a blonde

. In 2001, Shakira changed the image, becoming a blonde, and has entered the English-language market. The album Laundry Service made it a truly successful singer, and the song Whenever, Wherever, included in it, acquired the status of a hit worldwide. You also love it? Confess!
Director Chris Nolan shook our imagination movie "Remember» (Memento) 62,911,462
A psychological detective "Remember" was staged by Christopher Nolan on the personal scenario based on the story Memento Mori. The film's protagonist Leonard because of amnesia can not keep anything in memory for longer than 15 minutes.
World began to go crazy with Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez celebrated the triumph of right and the music, and movies - with the release of her studio album and film J.LO
«Wedding Planner" ... and fell in love with Bridget Jones obayashka

. The romantic comedy "Bridget Jones" and touching her character over the 15 years fell in love with millions of people (and our editors are not an exception). In September, we will meet with the third part of the film.
Justin was only one, and he performed the hit Dirty Pop

Justin Timberlake sang in the group 'N Sync in 1995. The third studio album No Strings Attached (2000) was sold in an amount of about 15 million copies. Justin began his solo career in 2002.
And you were 15 years younger!

Photos on the preview Warner Bros. Pictures,
DreamWorks Animation
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As with the time changed things, without which we can not imagine our lives
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