As brothers and sisters affect your success in life
Relationships with siblings play a key role in our formation and development. They shape our sense of self, priorities and influence one or another vital choice that we have to do. If you had another brother or sister, you yourself would be a different person. We identified abstracts from the article by Professor of the University Montclair Jonathan Caspi of what science says on this score.
When Mike Thompson was only four years old, he was already riding a bicycle - but not just driving, and performing tricks and jumps. Family and neighbors constantly mentioned how talented boy.
Brother Mike, Ben, was six years old. While brother ride, Ben sat on the porch and read a book. Ride a bike, he did not even try - and why? His attempts at Mike's background would seem awkward, he would only have exposed himself to ridicule. Now Mike and Ben grew.
Predictably, that Mike has devoted many years to sports, and school and college social status of athletes is very high. Mike grew sociable and self-confident, and now works on Wall Street. Ben is rotated among the children with "nerds", accustomed to a completely different social culture and now successfully teaches at the university.
Senior (especially girls) are usually docile and academic, the younger the more risk-averse
Specialists in family economy, comparing the achievements of children from the same family, celebrate the same level of success in terms of education and income is only half the couples, these couples do not give the best performance on both counts. In other pairs between two children there is a clear inequality of success reaches only one child (and often none). There are five factors in which brothers and sisters influence each other.
It is proved that, in spite of the common genes, the children from the same family are as different from one another psychologically as complete strangers. Apparently, if the children grow up together, each of them will seek to effectively use what he was given genes (physical qualities, intelligence, temperament), to be successful in that particular field to which it is most prone.
Wednesday Wednesday at children from the same family, such as general, as well as genes: they live in the same house, go to school, inherit the same family traditions. But still grow different. Why? First, the children try to differentiate as much as possible from his brothers and sisters, especially if the age difference is small.
Second, empirically proved that the parents treat the children is not the same, though, and try. For each child - his attitude, unique, and in accordance with these parents are investing in different children different resources (both emotional and more pragmatic wing). Third, children from the same family use different strategies in terms of resource allocation. According to studies, they choose a different niche for parents to invest in them more and did not arise in direct competition. Senior (especially girls) are usually docile and academic, the younger the more risk-averse.
Fourth, parents have different opinions of these niches: for example, they can encourage a child's interest in sports, but not in art. Restricting the range of niches of choice, parents provoke direct competition between children and limit the chances of both succeed in the same field. Children who admits diversification, will be able to excel in different areas of their choice is more likely. Fifth, the environment in which the family lives, too, contributes to the development or suppression of the child's success in a particular field. The chances that success will reach not just one but several children, the most high from wealthy, educated families with good connections. Those who complete their studies and begins to look for a job during the economic recovery, has a better chance than those who got to the recession.
The competition between siblings helps children improve their skills and is an important condition for their overall success. The competition allows them to know their limits and understand what it is - to fall and get up again, to work hard, to overcome resistance, to win and to lose. It is interesting that the competition between children.
Throughout life, people evaluate their success by comparing themselves with brothers or sisters. Experts have long noticed that the parents can harm their children by comparing them actively, especially if a child is constantly referred to as a good and a bad second. To help all children succeed equally, parents do not need to compare them and to learn to compete in order to achieve personal success and at the same time to support each other.
People who have developed a positive relationship with their brothers or sisters, consider the competition as a friendly competition, and those whose attitudes are negative - as a manifestation of antagonism. Trust relationships between the children in the family contribute to their fullest satisfaction of living and greater economic well-being. Studies show that not only money brings happiness, but happiness as it attracts money.
In general, a positive relationship between the children in the family contribute to the strengthening of their physical and mental health. Less compare your children to openly discuss with them issues of equality and the allocation of resources, help them to find a balance between competition and mutual support and encourage their development in those areas which are best suited to each of them.
Author: Elena Kochetkova

When Mike Thompson was only four years old, he was already riding a bicycle - but not just driving, and performing tricks and jumps. Family and neighbors constantly mentioned how talented boy.
Brother Mike, Ben, was six years old. While brother ride, Ben sat on the porch and read a book. Ride a bike, he did not even try - and why? His attempts at Mike's background would seem awkward, he would only have exposed himself to ridicule. Now Mike and Ben grew.
Predictably, that Mike has devoted many years to sports, and school and college social status of athletes is very high. Mike grew sociable and self-confident, and now works on Wall Street. Ben is rotated among the children with "nerds", accustomed to a completely different social culture and now successfully teaches at the university.
Senior (especially girls) are usually docile and academic, the younger the more risk-averse

Specialists in family economy, comparing the achievements of children from the same family, celebrate the same level of success in terms of education and income is only half the couples, these couples do not give the best performance on both counts. In other pairs between two children there is a clear inequality of success reaches only one child (and often none). There are five factors in which brothers and sisters influence each other.
It is proved that, in spite of the common genes, the children from the same family are as different from one another psychologically as complete strangers. Apparently, if the children grow up together, each of them will seek to effectively use what he was given genes (physical qualities, intelligence, temperament), to be successful in that particular field to which it is most prone.
Wednesday Wednesday at children from the same family, such as general, as well as genes: they live in the same house, go to school, inherit the same family traditions. But still grow different. Why? First, the children try to differentiate as much as possible from his brothers and sisters, especially if the age difference is small.
Second, empirically proved that the parents treat the children is not the same, though, and try. For each child - his attitude, unique, and in accordance with these parents are investing in different children different resources (both emotional and more pragmatic wing). Third, children from the same family use different strategies in terms of resource allocation. According to studies, they choose a different niche for parents to invest in them more and did not arise in direct competition. Senior (especially girls) are usually docile and academic, the younger the more risk-averse.
Fourth, parents have different opinions of these niches: for example, they can encourage a child's interest in sports, but not in art. Restricting the range of niches of choice, parents provoke direct competition between children and limit the chances of both succeed in the same field. Children who admits diversification, will be able to excel in different areas of their choice is more likely. Fifth, the environment in which the family lives, too, contributes to the development or suppression of the child's success in a particular field. The chances that success will reach not just one but several children, the most high from wealthy, educated families with good connections. Those who complete their studies and begins to look for a job during the economic recovery, has a better chance than those who got to the recession.
The competition between siblings helps children improve their skills and is an important condition for their overall success. The competition allows them to know their limits and understand what it is - to fall and get up again, to work hard, to overcome resistance, to win and to lose. It is interesting that the competition between children.
Throughout life, people evaluate their success by comparing themselves with brothers or sisters. Experts have long noticed that the parents can harm their children by comparing them actively, especially if a child is constantly referred to as a good and a bad second. To help all children succeed equally, parents do not need to compare them and to learn to compete in order to achieve personal success and at the same time to support each other.
People who have developed a positive relationship with their brothers or sisters, consider the competition as a friendly competition, and those whose attitudes are negative - as a manifestation of antagonism. Trust relationships between the children in the family contribute to their fullest satisfaction of living and greater economic well-being. Studies show that not only money brings happiness, but happiness as it attracts money.
In general, a positive relationship between the children in the family contribute to the strengthening of their physical and mental health. Less compare your children to openly discuss with them issues of equality and the allocation of resources, help them to find a balance between competition and mutual support and encourage their development in those areas which are best suited to each of them.
Author: Elena Kochetkova