Top 10 Eco-movies. See all!

Man masters nature, has not yet learned to control himself.
A. Schweitzer
This movie has no gender, ethnicity, age and social status, because it is - for all and all. This - our common home. On Earth.
Happy viewing and inspiration!
1. "Lovely Green»
Photo Not - Colin Serro
Light comedy for family viewing with a deep sense of the other, not human, the usual world outlook. How to perceive the Earth and its inhabitants representatives from other planets? You will understand how absurd and conventions in our world!
The film is recommended for viewing to those who often uses phrases such as "I have no time", "not now", "a lot of work, we need the money".
The film is unofficially banned in Europe.
"I am very sorry! In the world of four out of five children are dying of hunger, thousands are hiding in basements from bombs. And how many people are rotting in hospitals for cancer and AIDS. There are women raped twenty-five peasants, at the same time, and there you are, you are, with whom there was a terrible thing - someone has touched your car mirror
! All around you there are trees, with beautiful green leaves, you ever looked at them?
And there is a beautiful woman who is losing the youth in the kitchen while cooking your mushrooms in sour cream until you are unfaithful. Have you ever looked at your wife?
Do you have children! Do you even thankful that they do you have?
And then there is a cow, which gives you every day the milk, butter and cheese! Have you ever said thank you to the cows?
After all, your life is beautiful! Beautiful is just a dream! Look at her!
There is only one problem - someone touched your mirror. It's horrible! Awful! »
2. "House. Appointment with the planet »
Director - Yann Arthus Bertrand
Producer - Luc Besson
We show the beauty of the planet and the consequences of the devastation caused by human activity. Unhealed scars inflicted on the world industrial production, the effects of war, environmental disasters, reveal the real situation on the planet. Particularly impressive scale shooting from a great height. Beautiful, exciting - and can not believe that on our planet there are still "oases" Wildlife
. 3. "Zero impact»
Directed -Laura Gabbert, Justin Schein
The film is an experiment of the writer and Internet blogger Colin Beavan. For a whole year he, together with his family in New York, lived in their eco-friendly apartment, trying to break out of the consumer society and, more importantly, did not try to influence negatively on the environment. Interestingly, with humor and touching about the relationships of a family and the world.
• As long as you try, do not know.
• Do not consume as much min, as well as find a way to get comfort "sustainable" way
• I am often asked what is the most difficult? I say that in another case, in the formulation of the question: what is the best to give the green life? Life without waste, without televizova, with healthy food and intimate relationships with family
• The purpose of individual actions - to involve people
• The most radical political gesture - it is to be an optimist. I believe that if you change, then you will go for many.
4. History
things Director - Louis Fox
Have you ever wondered how many things we buy? How much trash is in the closet? What we
throw out labor-intensive and resource-intensive products? Why - to buy new
. In his 20-minute animated documentary Annie Leonard talks about the main stages of the life cycle model of consumer items: procurement of materials, production of goods, their sale, consumption and disposal. Well lit "dark side" of the model and told about their relationships with each other, and their impact on human society and the planet as a whole, for what purpose running scheme of endless consumption, at what cost to produce these products and why we are so developed and lucid continue to wallow in that garbage.
What is important - no complex, high technology terms. See alone or better with friends - after watching the debate arises itself
. 5. "The ecological footprint of human»
Rezhisser- Nick Watts.
The film is based television channel National Geographic.
Imagine being able to see everything that you have used. How many cups of tea you drink as they lowered the tone of the feces, how many words uttered, how many tears I shed? By the end of the film yy for the first time be able to see life spread out before you. This is the story of my life, your life, the life of any. The story of your ecological footprint.
6. Plastic package
Director - Ramin Bahrani
The most serious is best transmitted through laughter, allegory, that was not so excruciatingly painful and frightening to realize what is going on in the world. Daily. Hourly. Right now, this second.
Like the plot is simple - a plastic bag goes in search of the one that once breathed life into it, that was everything to him, but could lose it. Short journey and quest doomed in advance, which is not disclosed plastic thought.
"I regret only one thing: that I did not make death ...»
7. Earth 2100
Director - Bob Woodroffe
Beautiful ekodokumentalny film. The story is the story of the fate of the girl-girl-woman, the same age of the XXI century. It modeled all the difficulties that will have to go through a man if he does not cease to destroy the climate - visually, emotionally, at the same time - almost real and this - sadly
. 8. Ecopolis (EkoGrad 2008, Discovery Science)
Fans of new technology exactly like EcoPolis - the film tells about innovations for the environmental world cities
. The dynamic filme 6 series Discovery Science you will visit the city of the future that will change our way of thinking and way of life.
Learn about the technology of processing and utilization of waste, alternative fuel sources, environmentally friendly forms of urban transport, low-noise aircraft, and many other things that, hopefully, will become widespread in the near future.
9. Forks over Knives
Director - Lee Fulkerson
. Despite the development of advanced medical technology, today we feel worse and worse. cases of diabetes, especially among the younger generation increased sharply. Heart disease and cancer are the main causes of mortality in the world. This is despite the billions that are spent on the fight against them. Is there a single solution to all these problems? There is. And this decision is as comprehensive as it is simple. So much so that many of us are simply not taken seriously. This transition to vegetarian food. The findings are based on decades of scientific experiments, observation and the most extensive field studies conducted in general in the history of
The word "vegetarian" in the film was not used even once.
From the film:
"A quarter of what you eat, your life support. The remaining three quarters of the support of your doctor "
10. "Corporation" Food »
Director - Robert Kenner
Nominated for Oscar 2010, revealing the film-investigation. The idea is relevant and topical. Subject big. The implementation is not bad.
The film is about what all long suspected, but were afraid to think - what is made from food
? Everyone knows that what is sold in supermarkets and caterers for food species, such is very conditional. The people go to scary stories about what does actually make the sausage, meat products and other goodies. The filmmakers not only checked all these rumors, but found out who and how to turn animal husbandry and agriculture (for example, one undistinguished country under the US title) in a conveyor corporation subordinate to two or three global fast food networks, and how it affected the quality and content food. You will learn that hardly would like to know about your food.
The aircraft Solar Impulse II, powered by solar energy, has completed a world tour!
"Personal experience vegans"