Immortals breathing stops ...
Ordinary people go, not focusing on what they do. Their thoughts were somewhere far outside the body, so the mind, spirit and energy are at odds.
Ancient Taoist proverb says: "Take after a meal hundred paces - and live to a hundred years»
. The ancient Chinese human feet compared with the roots of the tree.
And how healthy trees need a healthy and strong root system, and legs that give support to our body must be stable and strong. Taoist Syuytsu Han said: "The feet breathe steadily and continuously, gently moving." In this case, the "breath" refers to the energy exchange between the body and the earth.
"Wisdom comes through the legs", - claimed the ancient Taoists, which meant even deeper meaning - to go on the Path Dao
If you want to always be healthy, full of energy, vitality, slow the aging process and prolong your life, you should learn to accumulate in your body enough of vitality and continuously maintaining its harmonious circulation. To control the movement of life energy, it is necessary to learn to breathe through the points Yong Quan ( "spouting spring"), as the "gateway" through which the vital energy of the body can be replenished and adjusted by revenues of the Earth energy.
Chinese often say that Europeans are bouncing on the fly. It shows their concentration only on the mind and the absence of attunement with the environment and nature, of which our body continuously draws energy to sustain their livelihood. Incorrect gait is formed over the years poorly chosen shoes, lack of ability to simply walk barefoot on the ground, sand, grass and pebbles, a sedentary lifestyle - we all spend a lot of time sitting at the workplace, at the computer, driving, watching TV
<. br> As a result, "the striker spring" of energy into a "soft spot", and then completely blocked, which leads to diseases of the pelvic organs, kidneys, spine, varicose veins, fatigue, depression and many other troubles. What to do? - you ask. Open point Yung-chuan, to restore the normal flow and energy flow in the legs and body.
Since ancient times, it is believed that if 100 times the pressure at this point before going to bed, it is possible to achieve longevity.
Point Yong Quan - "yun" - "a swirling, breaks out"; "Quan" - "source, spring" is located in a recess in the middle of the sole, is a point-source of the kidney channel, where, as if from a spring "breaks out" channel Qi foot shao yin Kidney channel. If you podozhmet fingers on the foot recess formed between the large and small mounds of the foot - and it is a point-yong quan
Another name: Di-chun
Localization: In the middle of the soles, between II and III metatarsal bones, in a recess formed in the squeezing of toes, 1/3 the distance from the base of II - III fingers to the back edge of the heel, to 2/5 of the distance from the tip of the fingers II to the rear edge heel.
Indications according to the canon of "Lin Shu" as the indications for the use of terms:
Critical condition:
- Point-sources are often used in the emergency room: coma, shock, loss of consciousness, carbon monoxide poisoning, heat stroke, convulsions, apoplexy, epilepsy
. - The feeling of hunger with a lack of appetite or poor appetite: shortness of breath, cough with expectoration of blood
. - Violation of the harmony between the heart and the kidneys: anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, sleepiness, boredom
. - Throat diseases: loss of voice, pain and swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, sensation of a lump in the throat, dry throat, dry mouth and on the tongue, nosebleeds
. - Jaundice, dark complexion, diarrhea, dark yellow urine, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, frequent urination, gonorrhea, diabetes
. - Pain in the spine, aching in the lower back and knees, weakness and disturbance of sensation in the lower limbs, cramps, fever and pain in the sole of the foot
. - Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitations, blurred vision, memory loss, hearing loss
. - Wet dreams in men, impotence, erotic dreams in women, infertility
. - Madness, dementia, hysteria, irrational anger
. - Other diseases: the pain in the parietal region of the head, bone pain, a cold high and prolonged fever, convulsions in children
. Obviously, the area in which the point of impact on helping Yung-chuan, is huge. You can find the procedure for your specific problem. But a simple massage of these points can significantly improve your condition.
The ancient Chinese said that the diseases in the upper parts of the body is recommended to use the point in the lower parts of the body. Yung-chuan is located on the bottom, it is the lowest point, so the impact on this point is reached the therapeutic effect in the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.
Massage points Yung-chuan
Two points Yung-chuan (R1)
R - letter of the Kidney Meridian
1 serial number of points on
In self-massage acupuncture is most common pressure with one finger - the index, middle or high. Pressing the point made slightly crooked finger to manipulation was as painless as possible. Then held fast oscillatory motion on a point, do not shear the skin. A sharp pain - a sign that the pressure on the point of need to reduce
. When massaging the point should be to press on it hard enough to light the painful sensations. If sheer pain sensation does not arise, either skin in this place is relaxed, long the dent should not be massaged with pressure point (so you will only further weaken the kidneys,
As a rule, these points Yong-Quan massage in a circular motion of the thumb, but you can also rub the soles of the feet of the central part of the palm.
Self-massage is performed alternately with the right and left sides
There is this: intense rub hands together until you feel a strong warm-up, then attach the central portion of the palm rest (Laogun point) to the soles of the feet in place Yongquan points. In this case, you use the fire of the heart to supply the kidney Water.
- People of intellectual labor "concentration of thought" on the point of Yung-chuan will help get rid of fatigue
. - There are people, and they are many who always cold. However, many people suffer from the cold winter. Yong Quan point will help in this. Take a pepper patch, cut a piece of about 1, 5 × 5 cm !, and stick to the point. Be sure to treat the two legs! Very soon, the patch will warm - will activate - point and cold flow of energy in the body will stop. You will feel comfortable not only indoors, but also on the street, of course, if you will put the weather.
- As already mentioned, Yong Quan point is also responsible for OWN. And, if you frequently experience this unpleasant feeling, a single action, you can solve two problems at once: to find and physical comfort, and peace. Apply the plaster on the foot of pepper each time before planned some exciting events for you, and you will notice how become to feel much more confident.
If you do not have at hand pepper plaster, and from cold or fear to get rid urgently, you can simply intensively massaging these points or to stick with a conventional adhesive plaster red bean seeds. Finally, just paint the point Yung-chuan red.
This view is recommended to massage, rub, press ... We need to press these points for 20 times on each foot, continuously. Do this preferably in the morning and evening.
Ancient Taoist proverb says: "Take after a meal hundred paces - and live to a hundred years»
. The ancient Chinese human feet compared with the roots of the tree.
And how healthy trees need a healthy and strong root system, and legs that give support to our body must be stable and strong. Taoist Syuytsu Han said: "The feet breathe steadily and continuously, gently moving." In this case, the "breath" refers to the energy exchange between the body and the earth.
"Wisdom comes through the legs", - claimed the ancient Taoists, which meant even deeper meaning - to go on the Path Dao

If you want to always be healthy, full of energy, vitality, slow the aging process and prolong your life, you should learn to accumulate in your body enough of vitality and continuously maintaining its harmonious circulation. To control the movement of life energy, it is necessary to learn to breathe through the points Yong Quan ( "spouting spring"), as the "gateway" through which the vital energy of the body can be replenished and adjusted by revenues of the Earth energy.
Chinese often say that Europeans are bouncing on the fly. It shows their concentration only on the mind and the absence of attunement with the environment and nature, of which our body continuously draws energy to sustain their livelihood. Incorrect gait is formed over the years poorly chosen shoes, lack of ability to simply walk barefoot on the ground, sand, grass and pebbles, a sedentary lifestyle - we all spend a lot of time sitting at the workplace, at the computer, driving, watching TV
<. br> As a result, "the striker spring" of energy into a "soft spot", and then completely blocked, which leads to diseases of the pelvic organs, kidneys, spine, varicose veins, fatigue, depression and many other troubles. What to do? - you ask. Open point Yung-chuan, to restore the normal flow and energy flow in the legs and body.
Since ancient times, it is believed that if 100 times the pressure at this point before going to bed, it is possible to achieve longevity.
Point Yong Quan - "yun" - "a swirling, breaks out"; "Quan" - "source, spring" is located in a recess in the middle of the sole, is a point-source of the kidney channel, where, as if from a spring "breaks out" channel Qi foot shao yin Kidney channel. If you podozhmet fingers on the foot recess formed between the large and small mounds of the foot - and it is a point-yong quan
Another name: Di-chun
Localization: In the middle of the soles, between II and III metatarsal bones, in a recess formed in the squeezing of toes, 1/3 the distance from the base of II - III fingers to the back edge of the heel, to 2/5 of the distance from the tip of the fingers II to the rear edge heel.
Indications according to the canon of "Lin Shu" as the indications for the use of terms:
Critical condition:
- Point-sources are often used in the emergency room: coma, shock, loss of consciousness, carbon monoxide poisoning, heat stroke, convulsions, apoplexy, epilepsy
. - The feeling of hunger with a lack of appetite or poor appetite: shortness of breath, cough with expectoration of blood
. - Violation of the harmony between the heart and the kidneys: anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, sleepiness, boredom
. - Throat diseases: loss of voice, pain and swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, sensation of a lump in the throat, dry throat, dry mouth and on the tongue, nosebleeds
. - Jaundice, dark complexion, diarrhea, dark yellow urine, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, frequent urination, gonorrhea, diabetes
. - Pain in the spine, aching in the lower back and knees, weakness and disturbance of sensation in the lower limbs, cramps, fever and pain in the sole of the foot
. - Headache, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitations, blurred vision, memory loss, hearing loss
. - Wet dreams in men, impotence, erotic dreams in women, infertility
. - Madness, dementia, hysteria, irrational anger
. - Other diseases: the pain in the parietal region of the head, bone pain, a cold high and prolonged fever, convulsions in children
. Obviously, the area in which the point of impact on helping Yung-chuan, is huge. You can find the procedure for your specific problem. But a simple massage of these points can significantly improve your condition.
The ancient Chinese said that the diseases in the upper parts of the body is recommended to use the point in the lower parts of the body. Yung-chuan is located on the bottom, it is the lowest point, so the impact on this point is reached the therapeutic effect in the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.
Massage points Yung-chuan
Two points Yung-chuan (R1)
R - letter of the Kidney Meridian
1 serial number of points on

In self-massage acupuncture is most common pressure with one finger - the index, middle or high. Pressing the point made slightly crooked finger to manipulation was as painless as possible. Then held fast oscillatory motion on a point, do not shear the skin. A sharp pain - a sign that the pressure on the point of need to reduce
. When massaging the point should be to press on it hard enough to light the painful sensations. If sheer pain sensation does not arise, either skin in this place is relaxed, long the dent should not be massaged with pressure point (so you will only further weaken the kidneys,
As a rule, these points Yong-Quan massage in a circular motion of the thumb, but you can also rub the soles of the feet of the central part of the palm.
Self-massage is performed alternately with the right and left sides
There is this: intense rub hands together until you feel a strong warm-up, then attach the central portion of the palm rest (Laogun point) to the soles of the feet in place Yongquan points. In this case, you use the fire of the heart to supply the kidney Water.
- People of intellectual labor "concentration of thought" on the point of Yung-chuan will help get rid of fatigue
. - There are people, and they are many who always cold. However, many people suffer from the cold winter. Yong Quan point will help in this. Take a pepper patch, cut a piece of about 1, 5 × 5 cm !, and stick to the point. Be sure to treat the two legs! Very soon, the patch will warm - will activate - point and cold flow of energy in the body will stop. You will feel comfortable not only indoors, but also on the street, of course, if you will put the weather.
- As already mentioned, Yong Quan point is also responsible for OWN. And, if you frequently experience this unpleasant feeling, a single action, you can solve two problems at once: to find and physical comfort, and peace. Apply the plaster on the foot of pepper each time before planned some exciting events for you, and you will notice how become to feel much more confident.
If you do not have at hand pepper plaster, and from cold or fear to get rid urgently, you can simply intensively massaging these points or to stick with a conventional adhesive plaster red bean seeds. Finally, just paint the point Yung-chuan red.
This view is recommended to massage, rub, press ... We need to press these points for 20 times on each foot, continuously. Do this preferably in the morning and evening.
An important point to make up the energy throughout the body
Indian gymnastics: 13 simple exercises for healthy feet