About childhood blighted with an eye on the adults
Children play games at no other task than to teach, train experience, to act, to choose, to fight, to change the roles. The game, part of the education, the majority of you a few years to play as future professions. Spoken like the sun, and the experience of others as the moss lives there where the sun is less.
... Hey ...
- Come on, are you currently head svernesh
! Sun does not need permission moss.
Education generally produces three powerful social product: the human capital capabilities, values which society lives, efficient production tools
. But the house produces an ecosystem that these three products is fueling a major juice of life - the spirit of freedom. Design of human life requires harmony of these principles, their balance and most importantly the experience of domestic space, which is then the model is transferred to the adult world. Parents raising children create horizons beyond the dreams and paradoxically concrete border broken hopes.
Recent discussion of the topic of sexual violence only expose these contradictions, these unspoken pain, unsolved crimes, these moral scars - after a high fence, suddenly arisen between the parents and the problems of the child, her mother did not have time, my father had friends, did not want to disappoint
Children should not look at the parents. Disappointed their pain and problems? Yes, parents do not have another role - only to absorb shocks of external forces on the child, to educate a child in the belief in themselves, their abilities and learn to be free, to love is a state of responsible choice of their own destiny
. My mother took me by the hand and led her to the gym, my father took in the section on football's grandmother wanted me to be an artist, his grandfather taught unscrewing rusted nuts and fix irons. What this was me?
It's hard to say, as a child I felt around me lots of love and responsibility breakwaters, but the main thing I have heard and listened to. Yes, a couple of times I got it good. It was not pedagogically, but correctly. All our mistakes compensates for love.
A wise man once said: "In Russia, you can achieve anything if you do not ask advice and permission"
. The problem in mass infantilism, eternal attempt victimization itself, finding enemies of pests, excuses, or waiting for permission from above, from the chief, fortune, foreign, fortunate circumstances, silent faces.
Even at thirty noticeable as they have blocked any sensible initiative within the plates of children's prohibitions and authoritative resolution of expectations.
"So no one does!" - They explode and all the demons of childhood gnashing of teeth old neighborhood old ladies go into his adult world it is impossible. Perhaps as a child of your child, neighbor old woman with their remarks will be ignored, as the sun happily ignores mossy corners and shadows. Sun does not need permission moss.
Optional tips Kids playing and most importantly his parents.
- The mere thought that a seed, it is necessary to engender in the baby: only you yourself and the fact there is success. Uncertainty, deprived of personal freedom of people already begin to warp these words, I want to challenge, to talk about "the rules of this world." No, guys, right, those who know, only you yourself and the cause of everything.
- Think of a child game, puzzle, the condition where he would go on a trip, but at least in a neighboring yard, he will decide what to take with you, he will pave the route, without you. (Keep an eye on, but quietly)
- Fall in love with a child in an honest search for yourself. A child's soul blow various wind, bring some seeds of future fruit, some dried ustremlenie.Rebenok every 5 years and 7 years - is changing the way you have never changed, alas. Learn from the child's energy changes when you are under forty - it's time
. - Show your child the world, if not in the travel, what in the books. And it is better to travel with a book. Teach you not to believe in the view, even if the majority do an inoculation from political populism, nationalism and humiliating worthless propaganda.
- The most difficult thing in life - freedom, its illusion and its feeling. The happiness of being a parent is that you are the hero, Superman and wizards school. However, this provision should be used - creating worlds of childhood, dreams safety, strength independence
. - Do you remember how cool when your parents left the house? When the boom and became a race car bed and pillows gang of bikers. Go away, give freedom of imagination.
- Let your child talk to you about what interests him, talking about his world, its pleasures. many of our dreams is the root system of our future, there in the back of my mind, they are ancient powers that fantasize, reflect, analyze what gets us to our present.
- Teach your child to even the fact that they themselves do not know how - the struggle, the strategy, the ability to confidently live in harmony with the personal code of honor. Yes, forgotten the phrase, but it is very necessary tomorrow.
- Nurture a hero who stands up for the weak, is not afraid to fight for the truth, is not afraid to give in, to come back with a help and victory, but does not give
. - The child will live in a country with a wild break between classes, social injustice and cultural divide, give him freedom wings to be over precipices and cliffs, to see beyond the horizon, always be active, responsible, reliable, not to choose between two evils - the most threatening the country's traditions, and create their own space, their condition, their circumstance. Teach your child to get involved in injustice, even yours. It hurts to know that it is waiting for a difficult choice honest citizen, a real man, a talented creator.
Playing and creating in your world of freedom to think and create, we get rid of imaginary walls in the society of the future.
But let us finish the conversation, it is possible severe outcomes if you are in the family of moss want to grow light the butterfly, do not tell her that the world is not accepted as moss flutter. Not many in the family Moss, have a chance to come to visit the grandchildren, the old mossy lump in light house of butterflies and moths. But there is a chance.
Author: Dmitry Karpov
... Hey ...
- Come on, are you currently head svernesh
! Sun does not need permission moss.

Education generally produces three powerful social product: the human capital capabilities, values which society lives, efficient production tools
. But the house produces an ecosystem that these three products is fueling a major juice of life - the spirit of freedom. Design of human life requires harmony of these principles, their balance and most importantly the experience of domestic space, which is then the model is transferred to the adult world. Parents raising children create horizons beyond the dreams and paradoxically concrete border broken hopes.
Recent discussion of the topic of sexual violence only expose these contradictions, these unspoken pain, unsolved crimes, these moral scars - after a high fence, suddenly arisen between the parents and the problems of the child, her mother did not have time, my father had friends, did not want to disappoint
Children should not look at the parents. Disappointed their pain and problems? Yes, parents do not have another role - only to absorb shocks of external forces on the child, to educate a child in the belief in themselves, their abilities and learn to be free, to love is a state of responsible choice of their own destiny
. My mother took me by the hand and led her to the gym, my father took in the section on football's grandmother wanted me to be an artist, his grandfather taught unscrewing rusted nuts and fix irons. What this was me?
It's hard to say, as a child I felt around me lots of love and responsibility breakwaters, but the main thing I have heard and listened to. Yes, a couple of times I got it good. It was not pedagogically, but correctly. All our mistakes compensates for love.
A wise man once said: "In Russia, you can achieve anything if you do not ask advice and permission"
. The problem in mass infantilism, eternal attempt victimization itself, finding enemies of pests, excuses, or waiting for permission from above, from the chief, fortune, foreign, fortunate circumstances, silent faces.
Even at thirty noticeable as they have blocked any sensible initiative within the plates of children's prohibitions and authoritative resolution of expectations.
"So no one does!" - They explode and all the demons of childhood gnashing of teeth old neighborhood old ladies go into his adult world it is impossible. Perhaps as a child of your child, neighbor old woman with their remarks will be ignored, as the sun happily ignores mossy corners and shadows. Sun does not need permission moss.
Optional tips Kids playing and most importantly his parents.
- The mere thought that a seed, it is necessary to engender in the baby: only you yourself and the fact there is success. Uncertainty, deprived of personal freedom of people already begin to warp these words, I want to challenge, to talk about "the rules of this world." No, guys, right, those who know, only you yourself and the cause of everything.
- Think of a child game, puzzle, the condition where he would go on a trip, but at least in a neighboring yard, he will decide what to take with you, he will pave the route, without you. (Keep an eye on, but quietly)
- Fall in love with a child in an honest search for yourself. A child's soul blow various wind, bring some seeds of future fruit, some dried ustremlenie.Rebenok every 5 years and 7 years - is changing the way you have never changed, alas. Learn from the child's energy changes when you are under forty - it's time
. - Show your child the world, if not in the travel, what in the books. And it is better to travel with a book. Teach you not to believe in the view, even if the majority do an inoculation from political populism, nationalism and humiliating worthless propaganda.
- The most difficult thing in life - freedom, its illusion and its feeling. The happiness of being a parent is that you are the hero, Superman and wizards school. However, this provision should be used - creating worlds of childhood, dreams safety, strength independence
. - Do you remember how cool when your parents left the house? When the boom and became a race car bed and pillows gang of bikers. Go away, give freedom of imagination.
- Let your child talk to you about what interests him, talking about his world, its pleasures. many of our dreams is the root system of our future, there in the back of my mind, they are ancient powers that fantasize, reflect, analyze what gets us to our present.
- Teach your child to even the fact that they themselves do not know how - the struggle, the strategy, the ability to confidently live in harmony with the personal code of honor. Yes, forgotten the phrase, but it is very necessary tomorrow.
- Nurture a hero who stands up for the weak, is not afraid to fight for the truth, is not afraid to give in, to come back with a help and victory, but does not give
. - The child will live in a country with a wild break between classes, social injustice and cultural divide, give him freedom wings to be over precipices and cliffs, to see beyond the horizon, always be active, responsible, reliable, not to choose between two evils - the most threatening the country's traditions, and create their own space, their condition, their circumstance. Teach your child to get involved in injustice, even yours. It hurts to know that it is waiting for a difficult choice honest citizen, a real man, a talented creator.
Playing and creating in your world of freedom to think and create, we get rid of imaginary walls in the society of the future.
But let us finish the conversation, it is possible severe outcomes if you are in the family of moss want to grow light the butterfly, do not tell her that the world is not accepted as moss flutter. Not many in the family Moss, have a chance to come to visit the grandchildren, the old mossy lump in light house of butterflies and moths. But there is a chance.
Author: Dmitry Karpov
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