Cleaning the washing machine mold

In the washing machine during mold appears from time to time. In the Internet I have found a few ways to get rid of it, which, in general, reduced to an inside machine agents containing chlorine.
Please use only "Domestos" and then realized for these purposes, that any modern detergents have the same effect. So I clean the liquid means that at the moment is at hand.
You will need:
Liquid detergent, preferably with chlorine.
2 business cloth or sponge, then that is not a pity to throw.
Thick household gloves.
25 grams of citric acid food.
Step by step solution:
1. The fact that the machine started up mold, you know at once, erases itself and erases. Wash things smell like detergent, but when the machine will stand with the door closed, there is an unpleasant smell. In addition, it is necessary to turn away a rubber like view appears here such an unpleasant picture.
2. Check the cloth. The result is obvious, should be cleaned.
3. First remove any cloth with a rubber lining the dirt, which can remove.
4. Then, as I wrote, I take any liquid detergent and put it on the rubber wherever we can get it.
5. Then carefully distribute the cleaning agent on the folds of the rubber gasket.
6. Close the door of the machine and leave it so hours 2.
7. After this time, turn the rinse mode and rinse out the machine cleaner.
8. It has enough control cloth remains clean.
9. But since we do machine, but why not make a preventive cleaning drum citric acid. The compartment for washing powder fall asleep bag (25 grams) of citric acid ordinary food.
10. Turn the machine on the hottest wash cycle, mine is 95 degrees. When it ended, even my old machine looked much more decent.
Unfortunately, this method I did not manage to get rid of mold, and only at the time of his scare. Although I almost dry wipe the rubber after each wash and try between washes to keep the door of the machine open, about 1 times a year I have to clean the washing machine here in this simple way.