Useful tips when planning kitchens

1. Wall cabinets set at a minimum distance of 50 to 70 cm from the working surface. The stretching is recommended to install at a distance of 65 cm (for electric cookers), 75 cm (for gas stoves) for good air circulation and the rapid disappearance of the smoke.
2. In the case of parallel type dishes leave minimum space of 1 m 20 cm to be able to access various objects and furniture as well as for free movement.
3. Corner kitchen layout, never place the boxes in the corner, because there is a risk that they can not be opened. The same advice applies for dishwasher and oven.
4. Leave a space between the wall and the last box (or half a floor) to easily open the door. This space will be filled with wires or pipes.
5. Leave a space of at least 90 cm between the kitchen and dining table for free movement.
6. Plan a free space between the stove and the sink (min 50 cm).
7. Do not install the base cabinets with drawers near the stove - small children can get them up to the plate and get burned
. 8. Do not install the outlet near the sink.