I was terribly disappointed enrage the people around

I was terribly disappointed enrage the people around. Miserable plant, who believe that in this life nothing is possible to achieve, and that success comes only to the elect. So, dear sufferers. Success comes to those who are ranting and raving, plows and sticks instead of lying on the couch, sucking pivas and dreaming of millions. Success comes when the athlete, in which no one believes and to which everyone is saying that he has no chance, despite the pain in every cell of the body goes to the gym, and then the boy becomes an Olympic champion. Success comes when the girl, whose parents are from childhood told that dance - is not a profession, and that it is necessary to throw out the stupidity of my head, rehearsing at night and outside of school time and then becomes a famous choreographer. Success comes when a young student from a wealthy family obbivat thresholds for potential investors, and nights sitting on their projects, and then becoming the head of the mega-corporations. Success comes when a person donates much for dreams when, in spite of the thousands of failures and falls, he gets up and goes back to his goal. Before you say that life is bad and it is not possible to achieve something, to think about what you personally do to make your dream come true? How many nights did not dospat? How many injured? How many times have you dipped face in the dirt? And how many times you did not throw their business, no matter what? Feet hurt, too tired, no time, I'm not talented, and other pieces of shit excuse for rotting near the monitors. Is this about you? Everything is possible in this life. Everything! If you believe it, and according to the wishes. For there is no light at the peaks that you can not take!