How to make a fabulous mini-garden with his own hands and add 100 points to the comfort

Mini-garden under glass - florarium - is a transparent container with plants planted inside. This miniature garden calls for a quite a bit of attention, so it is ideal for people who do not have time to complete care of the green areas, as well as novice florists.
If you have the desire and imagination, you can easily and quickly create a living work of art on their own and Website will tell you how to do it.
Pick a glass container

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A container for a mini-garden should be deep enough for the roots of plants. You can buy a new one at the store or make use of the old, pre-cleaning it.
To create florariuma fit almost any glass container, for example:
Aquarium fish; vase; maker; < tureen; lampshade from the lamp; glass; a bottle; chemist flask; cases for plants of different shapes
Almost any undemanding plant can be used in florariume. Select several plants with similar characteristics, that can grow together. Classical plant for the garden behind the glass are ferns, moss, Succulents, cacti and other.
Plants for a mini-garden

List of plants, suitable for mini-garden. Air Araucaria, medium-sized copy of the Begonia Royal (varieties with small leaves) hypoestes Dracaena braunii Calathea saxifrage Kriptantus Croton Maranta li> Neanta beautiful Smaller ferns Pellioniya peperomiya saw Plektrantus Ivy small-leaved Reo (Tradescantia colorful) Selaginella Syngonium, medium-sized copy of the Violets Ficus dwarf Fittonia Episcia
Here's what you need to make the garden under glass - all this you will find in any hardware store or a flower:
Soil. Choose a light soil with plenty of drainage and preferably with the addition of moss or sphagnum bog. The pebbles or gravel. These elements are at the bottom of the filling provide good drainage and give it a neat appearance when added to the surface. Activated Carbon If the container has no drainage holes, then add pieces of charcoal -. Must. Moss. The layer of moss on the bottom florariuma useful, like a sponge, absorbs excess moisture. Tools planter, gloves and watering can. Ornaments
strong> Wash glass container. If the container you choose, was previously in use, wash it in soapy water and rinse. Add the drain. Mix the gravel, pebbles, and a large handful of activated carbon. Sprinkle the bottom layer of the mixture container thickness 2, 5 cm. Add a layer of moss. This will prevent the land from the shedding down through the rocks, and will absorb excess moisture. Pour the ground. depending on florariuma size and length of the roots of plants you will need to fill up from 5 to 8 cm of soil. Lightly tamp the soil to remove air pockets and smooth the surface. Dig a small hole in which you plant the plant. Start a landing plants. Remove the plant from its previous container, shake the roots of the soil surplus and gently place it in the hole prepared for him, pour roots and lightly tamp the soil around the plants. Repeat the same with the other plants. Add decorations. You can use moss, stones, shells or figurines to create your unique compositions. Give the plants a little moisture Gently pour the mini-garden -.. it will be enough
Water the plants. If your garden under glass open, periodically water the plants. Despite the fact that the fully closed florariumam watering is not required, open to be watered about once a week or two. Succulents and cacti can be watered once a month. Keep the health of your plants. If you notice weeds, mold or diseased plants, remove them immediately. You should also remove the fading parts of plants, such as the old flowers. Arrange ventilation. If your florarium closed, then it is necessary to periodically ventilate. Although not required, but the wilting plants or the appearance of condensation on the walls of the container it will not be superfluous.
See also:
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