Try to place the stem roses to grow potatoes and beautiful colors

Roses are undoubtedly one of the most elegant and beautiful flowers. But to grow them is not so easy. Why are only these fertilizers and constant care. However, Website life hacking has prepared for you, so you can grow the most beautiful rose right at home:
We need: Stem rose Murphy Knife Plastic bottle Flower pot Earth
The opening can be done with a nail or a screwdriver, approximately 5 cm in depth. A very careful to choose a potato with high moisture content.
Place the rose stem in potato

Pre-cut the bottom part of the stem diagonally. The hole in the potato can be more, if needed, to avoid damaging the stem.
Put this clever construction in the pot with soil

Bury need enough to cover the top of the potatoes.
Cover with a plastic bottle of the future rose

Now we need to do something like a greenhouse: cut from the bottom of a plastic bottle, unscrew the cap and cover the next flower. Leave a flower on one or two weeks.
Within a week your rose will start to grow and bloom

Source ehow
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Photos on the preview ehowcdn, ehowcdn
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