This grandmother celebrated her birthday as many do not dare and 25

to its 105-year anniversary of Ivan Smayliz Englishwoman living in the guest house for the elderly in a small town Krokruk, ordered a special gift. She asked that her birthday cake presented firefighter tattoos. And it is desirable that it was her favorite pound cake «Victoria».

Frankly, "Aunt Ivy" did not expect to receive such a gift, because last year it had already requested the guesthouse staff and friends to get in honor of her birthday on the tree, but for some reason they refused. According to one of the workers, Aunt Ivy always invent some impossible and very funny wishes.
But this year everything has come true: the real fire climbed the stairs to the room to the birthday girl with cake "Victoria" in the hands. Tattoo and shape were also with him. That's how it was.

Happy Birthday, Aunt Ivy!

boredpanda.com Source, goodhousekeeping.com
Photos on the preview metro.co.uk
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