There are people, chances ...
They come to life suddenly, without warning, and very often when you're not ready. Like a lighthouse. As landmark. As an incentive.
They are no longer able to know more, feel better its relationship with the cosmos, a better understanding of ourselves and kindly refer to the world. They enter into a relationship with you. We can not say that you deliberately want to be in a relationship with a man, to whose level does not hold. Rather, it is your spirit, your deep essence needs help in the growth in awareness of yourself and the situation. And calling ... Someone who can help.
And man-chance comes. And as another mechanism in the universe, but love, not, between people there is closure. And one of the two will definitely be a level (or even one) lower their development, and the other will be carefully pull of someone he thinks, he loves.
Man a chance to understand other mechanisms, he sees the reality of deeper and wider picture of the universe for it offers better and more varied. He knows that love - is the equivalence. This one step. Everything else is painful and agonizing. Therefore dorisovyvaet, dopridumyvaet, completes what the other person is not. He wants to avoid imbalance. He desperately needed someone of the same level, and so on who had the card, harmony is impossible. "Born to crawl can not fly».
The paradox is that the one who called for help on the level of spirit, this can not remember at the level of the individual. And his ego begins to fight. For autonomy. For the defense of the values of the level - comfortable in them. For the imposition of these values to the one who has outgrown their already - so you can not feel their failure. You could fly ... To understand more about yourself ... to achieve high ... But the old holding.
If the ego is not so aktivnichal and not create problems where they do not happen when you hear yourself, then people would have understood - the chances of the universe gives rare. It comes one who can learn and go for it, and it will gently and lovingly. But it is not happening. Ego man shouts: "We ourselves with a mustache, anything we do not need you. And if you need something to brighten our existence at the level where we are. " And the greater the distance between the steps, the more screams.
Helping the soul begins to suffer. Its crushed, pressed, put in a box, where it is not just happy, it does not exist - it is not its level and its surroundings. And because this man is already well able to hear themselves, begins the internal conflict: to be a relationship or save
. Maintain relationships - is to fall into a deep emotional codependency. One person will be permanently pinned to others because superior in many ways and it will be lowered to their level, and the other - will feel their inferiority and recoup for it. Heavy, painful way, the development of which can be seen from the very beginning.
There are no recipes. Everyone folds puzzle of his life and his spiritual development. But I'm sure, a departure from its core punishable (you could say), stay in the world with an awareness of who you are and what you are - this is happiness, and happiness. Let not this minute ... You just need to wait a little longer ... the soul of their level ... or soul-chance, if you're prepared for it.
Author: Lily Ahremchik
They are no longer able to know more, feel better its relationship with the cosmos, a better understanding of ourselves and kindly refer to the world. They enter into a relationship with you. We can not say that you deliberately want to be in a relationship with a man, to whose level does not hold. Rather, it is your spirit, your deep essence needs help in the growth in awareness of yourself and the situation. And calling ... Someone who can help.
And man-chance comes. And as another mechanism in the universe, but love, not, between people there is closure. And one of the two will definitely be a level (or even one) lower their development, and the other will be carefully pull of someone he thinks, he loves.

Man a chance to understand other mechanisms, he sees the reality of deeper and wider picture of the universe for it offers better and more varied. He knows that love - is the equivalence. This one step. Everything else is painful and agonizing. Therefore dorisovyvaet, dopridumyvaet, completes what the other person is not. He wants to avoid imbalance. He desperately needed someone of the same level, and so on who had the card, harmony is impossible. "Born to crawl can not fly».
The paradox is that the one who called for help on the level of spirit, this can not remember at the level of the individual. And his ego begins to fight. For autonomy. For the defense of the values of the level - comfortable in them. For the imposition of these values to the one who has outgrown their already - so you can not feel their failure. You could fly ... To understand more about yourself ... to achieve high ... But the old holding.
If the ego is not so aktivnichal and not create problems where they do not happen when you hear yourself, then people would have understood - the chances of the universe gives rare. It comes one who can learn and go for it, and it will gently and lovingly. But it is not happening. Ego man shouts: "We ourselves with a mustache, anything we do not need you. And if you need something to brighten our existence at the level where we are. " And the greater the distance between the steps, the more screams.
Helping the soul begins to suffer. Its crushed, pressed, put in a box, where it is not just happy, it does not exist - it is not its level and its surroundings. And because this man is already well able to hear themselves, begins the internal conflict: to be a relationship or save
. Maintain relationships - is to fall into a deep emotional codependency. One person will be permanently pinned to others because superior in many ways and it will be lowered to their level, and the other - will feel their inferiority and recoup for it. Heavy, painful way, the development of which can be seen from the very beginning.
There are no recipes. Everyone folds puzzle of his life and his spiritual development. But I'm sure, a departure from its core punishable (you could say), stay in the world with an awareness of who you are and what you are - this is happiness, and happiness. Let not this minute ... You just need to wait a little longer ... the soul of their level ... or soul-chance, if you're prepared for it.
Author: Lily Ahremchik
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