The young and inventive: the students built a comfortable house from recycled wood
More recently, on a college campus in Utah (USA), the students realized the project of public space.
Due to the acute shortage of building materials in the region, the guys reshiliproblemu by reusing old wood building. After appropriate treatment oblezlyhdosok, new construction with a dynamic facade began to look very original.
In the remote town of Bluff, as in most other settlements in the mountain state of Utah (USA), acute oschuschaetsyanedostatok building materials for houses. Students graduate University of Utah University own way solved this problem by implementing a project building on campus named Cedar Hall. The main building materials are used doskistarogo dilapidated house.
The area covers 260 square meters. About 70 percent of the structure is made of recycled kedrovoydrevesiny, including windows and furniture. Cabinets and niche close to magnets. Partitions on wheels they can move anywhere in the building if poyaaitsya nelbhodimost creating a separate space.
At Cedar Hall roof mounted photovoltaic panels that convert the sun's rays into electricity.
Once the building is equipped with a rainwater collection system. Thanks to the "green" technologies, CedarHall is not prostomestom gathering of students on campus, but it also delivers electricity and the neighboring building.

Due to the acute shortage of building materials in the region, the guys reshiliproblemu by reusing old wood building. After appropriate treatment oblezlyhdosok, new construction with a dynamic facade began to look very original.
In the remote town of Bluff, as in most other settlements in the mountain state of Utah (USA), acute oschuschaetsyanedostatok building materials for houses. Students graduate University of Utah University own way solved this problem by implementing a project building on campus named Cedar Hall. The main building materials are used doskistarogo dilapidated house.

The area covers 260 square meters. About 70 percent of the structure is made of recycled kedrovoydrevesiny, including windows and furniture. Cabinets and niche close to magnets. Partitions on wheels they can move anywhere in the building if poyaaitsya nelbhodimost creating a separate space.
At Cedar Hall roof mounted photovoltaic panels that convert the sun's rays into electricity.

Once the building is equipped with a rainwater collection system. Thanks to the "green" technologies, CedarHall is not prostomestom gathering of students on campus, but it also delivers electricity and the neighboring building.
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