These people are hard-boiled plastic bottles in a cardboard sheet and insert it into the window. And that's what happened!
More than a billion people worldwide suffer from the lack of the usual for us to things like food, water, electricity and comfortable accommodation.
In a country like India, this all added to another, and the unbearable heat that afternoon makes incapacitated almost the entire population.
In the Indian village Daulatdia, Bangladesh, home to about 28 000 people. Most of them live in huts made of galvanized trapezoidal sheet, which is heated in the heat to 45 C. The thing is that these people can not afford housing of the more high-quality materials.
But the residents of a small village found a way to get rid of the debilitating heat: they contrived self-made air conditioning ! Today, our editors will share with you the secret of making such devices.
How to make your air conditioner rukamiTebe need drill thick cardboard or plywood plastic bottles with caps
Progress Cut out a piece of cardboard that will fit the size of your window. Make markings on the cardboard in the form of a grid. Drill holes at the intersections of the lines. Gently srezh top of the plastic cover and the bottom part of the bottle. Carefully Screw the whole bottle in a piece of cardboard and attach a homemade air conditioner to the window.
The residents of the Indian village will be shown in more detail, how to make homemade conditioner
We do not call that all is now abandoned electric air conditioners, and became master of such devices. But our life is unpredictable, and perhaps someone this idea is necessarily useful.
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In a country like India, this all added to another, and the unbearable heat that afternoon makes incapacitated almost the entire population.
In the Indian village Daulatdia, Bangladesh, home to about 28 000 people. Most of them live in huts made of galvanized trapezoidal sheet, which is heated in the heat to 45 C. The thing is that these people can not afford housing of the more high-quality materials.
But the residents of a small village found a way to get rid of the debilitating heat: they contrived self-made air conditioning ! Today, our editors will share with you the secret of making such devices.

How to make your air conditioner rukamiTebe need drill thick cardboard or plywood plastic bottles with caps
Progress Cut out a piece of cardboard that will fit the size of your window. Make markings on the cardboard in the form of a grid. Drill holes at the intersections of the lines. Gently srezh top of the plastic cover and the bottom part of the bottle. Carefully Screw the whole bottle in a piece of cardboard and attach a homemade air conditioner to the window.
The residents of the Indian village will be shown in more detail, how to make homemade conditioner
We do not call that all is now abandoned electric air conditioners, and became master of such devices. But our life is unpredictable, and perhaps someone this idea is necessarily useful.
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This woman just stick the stones on a normal pad. Seeing the result, I began to dream about this!