They looked with disgust at the nasty old man. But then it happened!
Site is divided into a small American proverbs, which is worth reading for all adults to children - it reminds one very important thing, on which the world rests.
Huffpost.comSyn called his elderly father in a restaurant for dinner. My father was very old and feeble. When he ate, the food fell on his pants and shirt. Other visitors of the restaurant looked at it in disgust, while the son was completely calm.
After they ate, the son took his father to the toilet, put the leftovers, washed spots father combed hair and adjusted his glasses. When they came out, people were looking at them open-mouthed. No one could understand how the son is not shy, he had a nasty father.
Father looked around and asked his son: "Do not you think that we have anything left?»
"No, Dad, we have nothing left," - said the son
«You are wrong, my son.. We left a lesson for every son and every father hopes for », - the father said
. Take care of those who once cared about you.
via factroom.ru

Huffpost.comSyn called his elderly father in a restaurant for dinner. My father was very old and feeble. When he ate, the food fell on his pants and shirt. Other visitors of the restaurant looked at it in disgust, while the son was completely calm.
After they ate, the son took his father to the toilet, put the leftovers, washed spots father combed hair and adjusted his glasses. When they came out, people were looking at them open-mouthed. No one could understand how the son is not shy, he had a nasty father.
Father looked around and asked his son: "Do not you think that we have anything left?»
"No, Dad, we have nothing left," - said the son
«You are wrong, my son.. We left a lesson for every son and every father hopes for », - the father said
. Take care of those who once cared about you.
via factroom.ru
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