15 practical advice, how to clean the onions without tears

We all know that cutting onions in the cooking process - not the most pleasant experience. < Website is sharing with you simple ways by which you can clean the onion, without uttering a single tear.
Cold water

There are several ways to use cold water when cutting onions: you can moisten the knife with water before and during the pre-cut onions or a few minutes to put it shelled bulb.
Refrigerator and freezer

Pre-put the onion in the freezer for at least an hour. Also, you can help, if you're up to it for 15 minutes in the same way cool knife.
Boiling water

Cut the onion next to the boiling water, steam from a tear gas can dissipate. In addition, you can first cut the onions into large pieces, drop them a few minutes in boiling water, and then continue to cut onions without the tears.
Get water in his mouth

Enter the water in the mouth and hold it until the end of the cutting bow. These manipulations also inhibit the secretion of tears.
Parsley or gum

While the cut onions, parsley, or chew gum. This method of oxidizing agents that cause tears, and neutralize them.
fan or range hood

Put next to a cutting board and cut the onion fan next to the included hood - then tear pair will evaporate faster than the reach of your eyes.
A candle or gas

Cut the onion next to a lit candle or included gas and flame oxidize all substances that cause tears when cutting onions.

Spread the cutting board with vinegar and a chemical reaction onion pair will be neutralized.

Sprinkle a cutting board with salt, and juice, secreted when cutting onions, salt will be absorbed. It is preferable to use a large salt.
Slice of lemon

In addition to the above-described methods of cutting board you can rub a slice of lemon. Lemon juice also neutralizes Tear onion vapor.
Correct knife

Choosing a knife is also very important in the process of cutting an onion. To make the process faster and cutting took place at the same time stood out as little as possible to tear substances, it is necessary to give preference to smooth sharp knife without teeth and zazubrinok.
Proper breathing

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Another often recommended way - while cutting onions breathe through the mouth rather than the nose. Thus couples lacrimators have no effect on the nasal mucosa and cause less tears.
Glasses for swimming or bandage

Close your eyes and mouth with swimming goggles or a cotton-gauze bandage. This will help avoid a burning sensation in the eyes, and you will be able to cut the onions calmly.
Food Processor

The modern way to those who are not looking for complex ways. But keep in mind: a bowl combine should be tightly closed, so the blender in this case you do not help

If possible, simply replace the green onions. As a rule, such an exchange is practically does not affect the taste of food.
Based on materials shkolazhizni.ru
Photos on the preview: shutterstock
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