She bakes egg shells in the oven instead of throw it out! Reason exciting ...
One of the most common metabolic disorders in the body - a lack of calcium. Brittle bones are weak and crumbling teeth, thin nails, which exfoliate, - these are just a few symptoms of calcium deficiency ...
When we cook fried eggs for breakfast, then throw away the most important part of the egg! Egg shell is 90% composed of calcium that is easily absorbed. < Use an eggshell is not in doubt and palpable in a week receive the precious drugs!
Eggshell as a source kaltsiyaPosmotrev this video, you will learn to prepare the powder of eggshell! The main secret - keep the film inside the shell, it will ensure the safety of valuable minerals during drying in the oven shell
. Save egg shells, wash it, put in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake it for 20 minutes. Then grind eggshells in a mortar - and the biologically active mixture is ready! Take egg powder should be for 1 st. l. 2 times a day, best with porridge or cottage cheese.
Watch the video with detailed instructions for the preparation of a therapeutic powder! You improve health at times, using it as a food supplement.
Natural vitamin complex - egg shell with lemon
Show your friends this indispensable recipe, remind them of the value of the egg shell!
When we cook fried eggs for breakfast, then throw away the most important part of the egg! Egg shell is 90% composed of calcium that is easily absorbed. < Use an eggshell is not in doubt and palpable in a week receive the precious drugs!
Eggshell as a source kaltsiyaPosmotrev this video, you will learn to prepare the powder of eggshell! The main secret - keep the film inside the shell, it will ensure the safety of valuable minerals during drying in the oven shell
. Save egg shells, wash it, put in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake it for 20 minutes. Then grind eggshells in a mortar - and the biologically active mixture is ready! Take egg powder should be for 1 st. l. 2 times a day, best with porridge or cottage cheese.
Watch the video with detailed instructions for the preparation of a therapeutic powder! You improve health at times, using it as a food supplement.
Natural vitamin complex - egg shell with lemon
Show your friends this indispensable recipe, remind them of the value of the egg shell!
200 g of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 70 g of flour and a secret ingredient - the best cheesecakes I've tried!
Oh, those naive people