Effective mask, and other ways to say goodbye to hair loss. And there is no problem!
Hair loss - a very common problem of the stronger sex. This male "attribute" occurs for various reasons: genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders and even stress. And love in fenam, ironing, chemical perms and coloring make frequent problem hair loss as the actual and women.
There are much kinds of baldness, and in the most severe cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist - trichologist. But there are methods which, although not fully heal, but to improve blood circulation and microcirculation of hair growth areas. If the main decoration of your head - it's gorgeous hair, and do not bald , the following folk remedies strengthen your hair even more
How to deal with oblyseniem
Infusion of burdock and nettles
Mix 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and the same amount of crushed roots of burdock. Pour a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water. After a 15-minute infusion of strain and rub into the hair after washing. The alcohol tincture
Mix up 4 tbsp. l. onion juice, 6 tablespoons. l. broth roots of burdock (burdock) and 1 tbsp. l. cognac. Daily rubbed into the balding areas of the resulting mixture. mustard powder
Add a little of the powder in a small amount of warm water. It will turn mush - it and rub massaged into the problem area. The procedure is performed on a daily basis. However, caution: as soon as you will feel a burning sensation, stop and wash away all the water Aloe
! We recommend regularly rub aloe juice in the pockets of alopecia. Salt
At the head washed apply a hair partings on table salt and leave a film for 15 minutes. Then rinse the hair with warm water. Do this procedure each time after washing your hair. Mask
From salt and yogurt can also make a mask: 50 g coarse salt zaley a glass of kefir. You can add a few drops of essential oil, which has a vasodilatory effect (mint, rosemary, basil). Stir with wooden spoon and apply the mask on wet hair. Wrap your head and wait for half an hour. It is best to wash baby shampoo. And if you mix 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. honey, you get a very effective mask, which must be applied to the problem area for 2-4 hours, then rinse with warm water, using your favorite shampoo.
massage strong >
The most pleasant procedure! How can you make yourself more often head massage
In general, the hair grew well, eat more protein foods and those that contain a variety of vitamins, especially A and E, and minerals - potassium, magnesium and zinc
Status hair
Prompt, just in case your friends, what to do with hair loss , if, God forbid, they will face the same problem.
There are much kinds of baldness, and in the most severe cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist - trichologist. But there are methods which, although not fully heal, but to improve blood circulation and microcirculation of hair growth areas. If the main decoration of your head - it's gorgeous hair, and do not bald , the following folk remedies strengthen your hair even more
How to deal with oblyseniem

Infusion of burdock and nettles
Mix 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and the same amount of crushed roots of burdock. Pour a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water. After a 15-minute infusion of strain and rub into the hair after washing. The alcohol tincture
Mix up 4 tbsp. l. onion juice, 6 tablespoons. l. broth roots of burdock (burdock) and 1 tbsp. l. cognac. Daily rubbed into the balding areas of the resulting mixture. mustard powder
Add a little of the powder in a small amount of warm water. It will turn mush - it and rub massaged into the problem area. The procedure is performed on a daily basis. However, caution: as soon as you will feel a burning sensation, stop and wash away all the water Aloe
! We recommend regularly rub aloe juice in the pockets of alopecia. Salt
At the head washed apply a hair partings on table salt and leave a film for 15 minutes. Then rinse the hair with warm water. Do this procedure each time after washing your hair. Mask
From salt and yogurt can also make a mask: 50 g coarse salt zaley a glass of kefir. You can add a few drops of essential oil, which has a vasodilatory effect (mint, rosemary, basil). Stir with wooden spoon and apply the mask on wet hair. Wrap your head and wait for half an hour. It is best to wash baby shampoo. And if you mix 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. honey, you get a very effective mask, which must be applied to the problem area for 2-4 hours, then rinse with warm water, using your favorite shampoo.
massage strong >
The most pleasant procedure! How can you make yourself more often head massage
In general, the hair grew well, eat more protein foods and those that contain a variety of vitamins, especially A and E, and minerals - potassium, magnesium and zinc
Status hair
Prompt, just in case your friends, what to do with hair loss , if, God forbid, they will face the same problem.
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