Take a handful of watermelon seeds and throw them in boiling water: The result you shocked!
The benefits of watermelon seeds I found out quite by accident. A friend of mine went to China and said that the locals accustomed to prepare these seeds, we - the pumpkin. Fried in butter with spices, they are very tasty! This dish is considered an excellent prevention of worms.
Watermelon semechkiSegodnya I will share two simple recipes efficient use of the miracle of seeds for health. I use these funds recently and very happy improve the well-being! Riboflavin, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, B vitamins - all that wealth contains one watermelon seeds ... Now I do not throw
infusion of watermelon semechekIngredienty 5 Art. l. Raw watermelon seeds 1 liter of cold water
Preparation Crush the seeds in a mortar, zaley cold water. Bring to a boil. to boil the seeds for 45 minutes. Strain broth and take 1 glass 3 times a day.
Infusion of watermelon seeds - a great diuretic, it is often used to lose weight faster. Also, this beverage is used for prevention and treatment of prostatitis. This watermelon tea is effective in hypertension, I was very happy when I have returned to normal pressure, which has always been a problem
watermelon seeds from glistovIngredienty watermelon seeds low-fat milk!
Preparation Sunflower seeds in the oven to dry and grind into a powder Mix the powder with low-fat milk in a ratio of 1:. 10 it is necessary to drink 2 glasses of this facility on an empty stomach. The course of treatment - 3 days, for preventing enough single use
Seeds watermelon -. very valuable product! I hope you are interested in this information and You use it to improve their health. Do not forget to show the article to your friends!
Watermelon semechkiSegodnya I will share two simple recipes efficient use of the miracle of seeds for health. I use these funds recently and very happy improve the well-being! Riboflavin, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, B vitamins - all that wealth contains one watermelon seeds ... Now I do not throw
infusion of watermelon semechekIngredienty 5 Art. l. Raw watermelon seeds 1 liter of cold water
Preparation Crush the seeds in a mortar, zaley cold water. Bring to a boil. to boil the seeds for 45 minutes. Strain broth and take 1 glass 3 times a day.
Infusion of watermelon seeds - a great diuretic, it is often used to lose weight faster. Also, this beverage is used for prevention and treatment of prostatitis. This watermelon tea is effective in hypertension, I was very happy when I have returned to normal pressure, which has always been a problem
watermelon seeds from glistovIngredienty watermelon seeds low-fat milk!
Preparation Sunflower seeds in the oven to dry and grind into a powder Mix the powder with low-fat milk in a ratio of 1:. 10 it is necessary to drink 2 glasses of this facility on an empty stomach. The course of treatment - 3 days, for preventing enough single use
Seeds watermelon -. very valuable product! I hope you are interested in this information and You use it to improve their health. Do not forget to show the article to your friends!
So mush you've never cooked! All thanks to the cunning 20-minute reception ...
This dessert will crown without baking dish on your spring picnic!