Unnoticed benefits of watermelon seeds. Extremely positive effect on your health!
Most of us like to eat the flesh of watermelon, but throws out watermelon seeds. And in vain, because they are beneficial to human health. If we swallow seeds whole body does not get any benefit. But if they are crushed, cooked from them tea and drink it, then a positive result will not take long.
fibers that are water-melon seeds, are vital for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
They can save people from parasites. To clean the body of the worms used diluted in warm milk powder from watermelon seeds (1:10). It is taken for a week in the morning and evening.
Citrulline substance that is present in seeds, acts as an antioxidant. It helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. According to scientists, watermelon seeds are very helpful for kidney and biliary tract. Tea made from the seeds of fresh watermelon is a diuretic.
It is believed that watermelon seeds can improve memory. They also help to increase the potency of men.
Watermelon seeds contain magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, iron, manganese, calcium and more.
How to prepare tea from watermelon seeds:
Take 4 tbsp. l. fresh pounded seeds of watermelon. Pour 2 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink this tea for two days. Then, the procedure can be repeated after two weeks. This watermelon is to be environmentally friendly, preferably grown on his garden plot. If you choose it on the market or in a store, you should know how to choose this product!
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fibers that are water-melon seeds, are vital for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
They can save people from parasites. To clean the body of the worms used diluted in warm milk powder from watermelon seeds (1:10). It is taken for a week in the morning and evening.
Citrulline substance that is present in seeds, acts as an antioxidant. It helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. According to scientists, watermelon seeds are very helpful for kidney and biliary tract. Tea made from the seeds of fresh watermelon is a diuretic.
It is believed that watermelon seeds can improve memory. They also help to increase the potency of men.
Watermelon seeds contain magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, iron, manganese, calcium and more.

How to prepare tea from watermelon seeds:
Take 4 tbsp. l. fresh pounded seeds of watermelon. Pour 2 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink this tea for two days. Then, the procedure can be repeated after two weeks. This watermelon is to be environmentally friendly, preferably grown on his garden plot. If you choose it on the market or in a store, you should know how to choose this product!
Share with your friends information about the benefits of watermelon seeds!
via takprosto cc
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