Funny and unrecognizable: 25 Rare Historical Photos Famous People
Great public interest in retro pictures of famous people on the network a lot of sites and communities that they collect. Anews.com learned some of them amusing and share their catch.
Beginning of 50th. The future People's Artist of the USSR, a prominent United Russia and State Duma deputy in the unusual role sports:
Learned? This teenager Joseph Kobzon in the section on boxing (for some reason turned out to be someone's naked ass in the background - no one did not understand). Dnipropetrovsk Mining College student seriously interested in wrestling in the ring, and even won the city junior championship and then the championship of Ukraine. But one was sent to the knock-out and tied to the sport.
And here, Joseph Davidovich has quite recognizable. Beside him, the director of the Moscow grocery store "Eliseev" Yuri Sokolov, who in 10 years after that picture, in 1984, was executed for embezzlement in large amounts.
1990: Soviet music legend Valery Leontiev and "fancy" with the West, 21-year-old supermodel Christy Turlington. She came to Moscow and Leningrad to take photographs for the American Vogue - «red empire" on the verge of collapse caused intense interest on the other side
«Iron Curtain».
And at this time in the GDR still existed 36-year-old Angela Merkel, the next German chancellor, becomes deputy press secretary of the East German government. One of the humorous comments to the picture: "That is the deputy Peskov, too, have all chances to become president?»
1981: still an unknown 20-year-old student of the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute Vyacheslav Butusov at the "All-Union Komsomol line" - BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline). Future classic Russian rock just do not know!
A legend in a legendary place: Viktor Tsoi in the poster of the "Cinema" at the Leningrad rock club, 80s
This photo from the archives of the American Joanna Stingray, one of the most important figures in the Soviet rock coterie of those years: Choi and guitarist "Cinema" Yuri Kasparian on the beach of the Moskva River
70s: the era of Vladimir Vysotsky. This photo was taken in 1976 in his apartment, which celebrated the 35th anniversary of Andrei Mironov - apparently with great success. From left to right: Kirill Lascari (half-brother Mironov), Marina Vladi, Vladimir Semenovich, Larissa Golubkina Andrew)
1945: 23-year-old Yuri Nikulin is returned from the war
Moscow court, the end of the 30's: the future of the clown and actor, favorite of millions of viewers, young and old, age 16-17
1981: Holmes and Watson in knitwear and jeans by the fireplace "Baker Street" (Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin parse the script, it actively helps four-legged actor - English Bulldog "Tori»)
1991: "sworn friends" Steve Jobs and Bill Gates on the photo to Fortune magazine. Four years later, Jobs has publicly said that Microsoft released "third-rate products," and Gates in 2010, quipped: "There is nothing in the iPad, no matter what I saw and said," I'd like to do it in Microsoft "! . »
Peer-ka in this young dude - a familiar face
Today, he is aiming for US president, while 40 years ago, 30-year-old Donald Trump made his way to the main Manhattan developers and quarreled with the authorities because of violations of housing laws. And this is the future president of Russia Boris Yeltsin in 17 years. Could anyone imagine back in 1948, that this guy personally wipe off the map's largest country?
Or could the Yeltsin himself to think about the collapse of the USSR, when in 1979 as the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee dragged logs on Lenin's work day?
And this guy, and now takes the Pioneers and quotes Lenin: even at 22, physics and mathematics student Orlowski Gennady Zyuganov joined the ranks of the Soviet party members and for 20 years unchallenged head of the Communist Party
Incidentally, the irremovable leaders. The world's oldest and most dolgopravyaschy monarch in the history of Great Britain - Queen Elizabeth II 16 years (when she was still a princess) and in current 90:
And now admire the beauties actresses. Even in 1957, Jayne Mansfield would have taken the prize for the most outspoken dress, perhaps even surpassing lover Rihanna transparent grids.
24-year-old Mansfield, has just become the new American superstar was in such hot cleavage to a party in honor of sitting next to Sophia Loren, who was just beginning to build a career in Hollywood. Of course, the American has diverted the attention and Lauren sarcastically later recalled that all the time afraid, as if "the contents of her dress did not explode and is not spilled on the table»
. Compare: Mansfield and Tatiana Samoilova, Cannes, 1958
1976: 17-year-old graduate-excellent student and a professional dancer Madonna Louise Ciccone
And this simple Canadian girl in a short top with the slogan beer company resulted in raptures whole stadium when the camera is snatched her out of the crowd of football fans and shown on the big screen. After the match, she was invited on the field, and thousands of spectators gave her a standing ovation. Within a few months the 22-year-old Pamela Anderson was on the cover of Playboy.
And finally, a truly historic photo - selfie 34-year-old Leo Tolstoy, made back in the mid 19th century (1862) and provided with his own signature, "Himself snyal»
Source: www.anews.com/ru/post/47577032
Beginning of 50th. The future People's Artist of the USSR, a prominent United Russia and State Duma deputy in the unusual role sports:

Learned? This teenager Joseph Kobzon in the section on boxing (for some reason turned out to be someone's naked ass in the background - no one did not understand). Dnipropetrovsk Mining College student seriously interested in wrestling in the ring, and even won the city junior championship and then the championship of Ukraine. But one was sent to the knock-out and tied to the sport.
And here, Joseph Davidovich has quite recognizable. Beside him, the director of the Moscow grocery store "Eliseev" Yuri Sokolov, who in 10 years after that picture, in 1984, was executed for embezzlement in large amounts.

1990: Soviet music legend Valery Leontiev and "fancy" with the West, 21-year-old supermodel Christy Turlington. She came to Moscow and Leningrad to take photographs for the American Vogue - «red empire" on the verge of collapse caused intense interest on the other side
«Iron Curtain».

And at this time in the GDR still existed 36-year-old Angela Merkel, the next German chancellor, becomes deputy press secretary of the East German government. One of the humorous comments to the picture: "That is the deputy Peskov, too, have all chances to become president?»

1981: still an unknown 20-year-old student of the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute Vyacheslav Butusov at the "All-Union Komsomol line" - BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline). Future classic Russian rock just do not know!

A legend in a legendary place: Viktor Tsoi in the poster of the "Cinema" at the Leningrad rock club, 80s

This photo from the archives of the American Joanna Stingray, one of the most important figures in the Soviet rock coterie of those years: Choi and guitarist "Cinema" Yuri Kasparian on the beach of the Moskva River

70s: the era of Vladimir Vysotsky. This photo was taken in 1976 in his apartment, which celebrated the 35th anniversary of Andrei Mironov - apparently with great success. From left to right: Kirill Lascari (half-brother Mironov), Marina Vladi, Vladimir Semenovich, Larissa Golubkina Andrew)

1945: 23-year-old Yuri Nikulin is returned from the war

Moscow court, the end of the 30's: the future of the clown and actor, favorite of millions of viewers, young and old, age 16-17

1981: Holmes and Watson in knitwear and jeans by the fireplace "Baker Street" (Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin parse the script, it actively helps four-legged actor - English Bulldog "Tori»)

1991: "sworn friends" Steve Jobs and Bill Gates on the photo to Fortune magazine. Four years later, Jobs has publicly said that Microsoft released "third-rate products," and Gates in 2010, quipped: "There is nothing in the iPad, no matter what I saw and said," I'd like to do it in Microsoft "! . »

Peer-ka in this young dude - a familiar face

Today, he is aiming for US president, while 40 years ago, 30-year-old Donald Trump made his way to the main Manhattan developers and quarreled with the authorities because of violations of housing laws. And this is the future president of Russia Boris Yeltsin in 17 years. Could anyone imagine back in 1948, that this guy personally wipe off the map's largest country?

Or could the Yeltsin himself to think about the collapse of the USSR, when in 1979 as the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Party Committee dragged logs on Lenin's work day?

And this guy, and now takes the Pioneers and quotes Lenin: even at 22, physics and mathematics student Orlowski Gennady Zyuganov joined the ranks of the Soviet party members and for 20 years unchallenged head of the Communist Party

Incidentally, the irremovable leaders. The world's oldest and most dolgopravyaschy monarch in the history of Great Britain - Queen Elizabeth II 16 years (when she was still a princess) and in current 90:

And now admire the beauties actresses. Even in 1957, Jayne Mansfield would have taken the prize for the most outspoken dress, perhaps even surpassing lover Rihanna transparent grids.

24-year-old Mansfield, has just become the new American superstar was in such hot cleavage to a party in honor of sitting next to Sophia Loren, who was just beginning to build a career in Hollywood. Of course, the American has diverted the attention and Lauren sarcastically later recalled that all the time afraid, as if "the contents of her dress did not explode and is not spilled on the table»
. Compare: Mansfield and Tatiana Samoilova, Cannes, 1958

1976: 17-year-old graduate-excellent student and a professional dancer Madonna Louise Ciccone

And this simple Canadian girl in a short top with the slogan beer company resulted in raptures whole stadium when the camera is snatched her out of the crowd of football fans and shown on the big screen. After the match, she was invited on the field, and thousands of spectators gave her a standing ovation. Within a few months the 22-year-old Pamela Anderson was on the cover of Playboy.

And finally, a truly historic photo - selfie 34-year-old Leo Tolstoy, made back in the mid 19th century (1862) and provided with his own signature, "Himself snyal»

Source: www.anews.com/ru/post/47577032
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