20 rare historical photos that will never appear on the pages of textbooks

Many a story is remembered as uninteresting school subject with a huge amount of dates and boring theory.
The website decided to remedy this situation and gathered 20 rare historical shots that tell more than words.
The younger John F. Kennedy in the presidential helicopter, 1963

Freddie mercury's mom, 1947

Hitler receives a gift of 50 years. The man in the suit — Ferdinand Porsche, 1939

Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd during a break between filming "Ghostbusters", 1984

Sean Connery signs on the coconut for a Jamaican child during the filming of "Dr. no", 1962

"Hey, mom, guess what!" The first gay pride parade in Philadelphia, June 1972

Queen Elizabeth II, June 1940

Female snipers of the Soviet 3rd shock army, 1st Belorussian front, the Nazis destroyed 775

Elvis Presley and johnny cash in Memphis, 1957

Twin towers (new York) in the morning, a year before the end of construction, 1972

Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali. New York, 1963

Soviet aircraft designers A. N. Tupolev and Ilyushin

Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding (29th President of USA) and Harvey Samuel Firestone (founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.) rest together

Scottish soldiers, 1916

Baths Japanese military during the Russo-Japanese war, 1904

Shirtless FBI agent brings in $ 1 million to the hijackers of a plane in 1972. In the future, the criminal had been hiding from authorities for more than 40 years

Shoe store, 1900

The civil war in the Republic of Biafra. Nigeria, 1968

Nagasaki before and after atomic bomb, 1945

The dove sat on the shoulder of Fidel Castro during a speech, 8 January 1959

Photos on the preview wikimedia
According to the materials climatologiageografica, keptelenseg
See also
20 rare historical photos, see to believe
25 rare historical photos, breathtaking
40 rare historical photos, which we watched in silence and not breathing
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/40-redkih-istoricheskih-snimkov-kotorye-my-smotreli-molcha-i-ne-dysha-956210/
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