7 facts from the history books, about which we were lied to all this time
Ninety three million three hundred twenty seven thousand seven hundred fifty nine
Sixty two million four hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred forty two
"A good story is not a sin and to embellish," — said the old man Gandalf. But if in the literature this reception goes with a Bang, in the history of many confusing. Incorrect interpretation of events and all kinds of speculation lead to the fact that controversial theories are transformed into facts in school textbooks.
Site collected 7 well-known facts of world history that we should not believe.
Shakespeare never wrote a single work. The author was a different person
Shakespeare was born and raised in the market town centre of sale sheep. It is believed thatthe way of life and environment of Shakespeare could not give him a comprehensive knowledge of writing which details how politics, Palace intrigues the culture of other countries.
In addition, no unique signature of the author. Among the manuscripts and even printed versions are difficult to find two identical. In addition to the right of Shakespeare in different documents or publications are the following spellings of the surname: Shakespeare, Shak-spear.
In an academic environment, this theory often reject it, but she found supporters among famous personalities such as Mark TWAIN, Sigmund Freud and Charlie Chaplin.
Marie Antoinette did not tell the villagers about the cakes
Once Marie-Antoinette, the French Queen allegedly threw the starving peasants of the phrase: "If the peasants have no bread, let them eat cake!»
However, the first phrase is foundin the pages of "Confessions" Jean-Jacques Rousseau, at the time of writing which Mary was 9 years old and she lived in Austria so it is unlikely that it could go about it. According to another version, the phrase was indeed uttered by Marie Antoinette, but were not carrying anything bad. After all according to the law of the time the seller was required to sell expensive bread at a markdown in the event of a crisis. Perhaps this is what meant to say Queen.
The pyramids were built not slaves
First, who wrote that the pyramids were built by slaves, was the ancient historian Herodotus. Herewith Herodotus lived a long time after the construction of the great pyramids.
In the early 1990-ies, archaeologists have discovered tombs containing the remains of people who worked on the pyramids. Theyhe was buried with full honors, and even in close proximity with the sacred tombs of the pharaohs. A careful study of their skeletons showed that these people regularly ate and worked in shifts, which led scientists to the conclusion: it was workers, not slaves.
The medieval chastity belt — fiction
The man before leaving in crusade wore on lover metal belt, which would not allow her love Affairs with other men in his absence, and the key he had taken. However, no woman could put up with more than a few days of wearing such "accessory" and would have died from blood poisoning.
In addition in any reliable source of the time wasn't found mention of this fixture, a chastity belt, extant, after a careful check was a fake.
The Sphinx at Giza lost his nose before the arrival of the soldiers of Napoleon
According to popular misconception, Napoleon during the Egyptian campaign of the French army (1798-1801.) ordered the soldiers to practice shooting and target use of the Sphinx. So supposedly the Sphinx lost his nose.
Actually the Sphinx was already without a nose, when Napoleon arrived in Egypt as evidenced by the engraving of a single traveller that has been drawn over the decades to the campaign of the French army. There are also texts where it is said that the nose of the Sphinx "removed" religious fanatic Arab origin in the XIV century.
The library of Alexandria was destroyed long before the notorious fire
Thousands of scrolls, rare texts and invaluable knowledge — all were burned during the attack by the army of Julius Caesar the Egyptian city of Alexandria.
But Caesar and his army was almost nothing to destroy. Long before Caesar, the library has suffered as a result of a battle with another enemy, and before that was heavily damaged by religious rebels. But it is not important.
The main reason for the impoverishment and decline of the Alexandria library was much more prosaic: gradually the government reduced expenditure on the library. Scholarships were abolished, and foreign scientists have been banned from the library. The condition of the books simply was no one to follow.
Trojan horse did not exist in reality
Unfortunately, except for "the Odyssey" by Homer and "the Aeneid" by Virgil is not preserved sources about the Trojan war, which she has acquired numerous myths and legends. Some scientists believe that no the horse was not, and was a battering RAM resembling in appearance the horse, or siege engine, which often at that time called the names of the animals. Someone suggests that Trojan horse called earthquake that brought down the walls of Troy. Likely, a Trojan horse is simply a beautiful story.
Photos on the preview Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
See also
10 mysterious historical picture that we have too many questions
9 ridiculous coincidences that changed the course of history
20 historical photos which will never get to the pages of textbooks
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/20-redkih-istoricheskih-fotografij-kotorye-nikogda-ne-popadut-na-stranicy-uchebnikov-1474265/
Sixty two million four hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred forty two
"A good story is not a sin and to embellish," — said the old man Gandalf. But if in the literature this reception goes with a Bang, in the history of many confusing. Incorrect interpretation of events and all kinds of speculation lead to the fact that controversial theories are transformed into facts in school textbooks.
Site collected 7 well-known facts of world history that we should not believe.
Shakespeare never wrote a single work. The author was a different person

Shakespeare was born and raised in the market town centre of sale sheep. It is believed thatthe way of life and environment of Shakespeare could not give him a comprehensive knowledge of writing which details how politics, Palace intrigues the culture of other countries.
In addition, no unique signature of the author. Among the manuscripts and even printed versions are difficult to find two identical. In addition to the right of Shakespeare in different documents or publications are the following spellings of the surname: Shakespeare, Shak-spear.
In an academic environment, this theory often reject it, but she found supporters among famous personalities such as Mark TWAIN, Sigmund Freud and Charlie Chaplin.
Marie Antoinette did not tell the villagers about the cakes

Once Marie-Antoinette, the French Queen allegedly threw the starving peasants of the phrase: "If the peasants have no bread, let them eat cake!»
However, the first phrase is foundin the pages of "Confessions" Jean-Jacques Rousseau, at the time of writing which Mary was 9 years old and she lived in Austria so it is unlikely that it could go about it. According to another version, the phrase was indeed uttered by Marie Antoinette, but were not carrying anything bad. After all according to the law of the time the seller was required to sell expensive bread at a markdown in the event of a crisis. Perhaps this is what meant to say Queen.
The pyramids were built not slaves

First, who wrote that the pyramids were built by slaves, was the ancient historian Herodotus. Herewith Herodotus lived a long time after the construction of the great pyramids.
In the early 1990-ies, archaeologists have discovered tombs containing the remains of people who worked on the pyramids. Theyhe was buried with full honors, and even in close proximity with the sacred tombs of the pharaohs. A careful study of their skeletons showed that these people regularly ate and worked in shifts, which led scientists to the conclusion: it was workers, not slaves.
The medieval chastity belt — fiction

The man before leaving in crusade wore on lover metal belt, which would not allow her love Affairs with other men in his absence, and the key he had taken. However, no woman could put up with more than a few days of wearing such "accessory" and would have died from blood poisoning.
In addition in any reliable source of the time wasn't found mention of this fixture, a chastity belt, extant, after a careful check was a fake.
The Sphinx at Giza lost his nose before the arrival of the soldiers of Napoleon

According to popular misconception, Napoleon during the Egyptian campaign of the French army (1798-1801.) ordered the soldiers to practice shooting and target use of the Sphinx. So supposedly the Sphinx lost his nose.
Actually the Sphinx was already without a nose, when Napoleon arrived in Egypt as evidenced by the engraving of a single traveller that has been drawn over the decades to the campaign of the French army. There are also texts where it is said that the nose of the Sphinx "removed" religious fanatic Arab origin in the XIV century.
The library of Alexandria was destroyed long before the notorious fire

Thousands of scrolls, rare texts and invaluable knowledge — all were burned during the attack by the army of Julius Caesar the Egyptian city of Alexandria.
But Caesar and his army was almost nothing to destroy. Long before Caesar, the library has suffered as a result of a battle with another enemy, and before that was heavily damaged by religious rebels. But it is not important.
The main reason for the impoverishment and decline of the Alexandria library was much more prosaic: gradually the government reduced expenditure on the library. Scholarships were abolished, and foreign scientists have been banned from the library. The condition of the books simply was no one to follow.
Trojan horse did not exist in reality

Unfortunately, except for "the Odyssey" by Homer and "the Aeneid" by Virgil is not preserved sources about the Trojan war, which she has acquired numerous myths and legends. Some scientists believe that no the horse was not, and was a battering RAM resembling in appearance the horse, or siege engine, which often at that time called the names of the animals. Someone suggests that Trojan horse called earthquake that brought down the walls of Troy. Likely, a Trojan horse is simply a beautiful story.
Photos on the preview Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
See also
10 mysterious historical picture that we have too many questions
9 ridiculous coincidences that changed the course of history
20 historical photos which will never get to the pages of textbooks
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/20-redkih-istoricheskih-fotografij-kotorye-nikogda-ne-popadut-na-stranicy-uchebnikov-1474265/
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