Unlock the secret curtain! 30 grand moments from the past in a rare historical photographs.
Each of us in one way or another is directly related to the creation of history. It turns out that the story is created not only famous politicians, but also increasingly common people. All of these photographers have witnessed great events of the past and contemporaries legendary historical figures. They have a simple instrument recorded what they saw. And each of them was the author of his Annals Samovydets. Perhaps that photographers, as well as the name of the author of a fundamental source of stories, no one will remember, though they have made a huge contribution to the science of history and into our future with you.
This grand 30 historical moments in rare photographs. Touch for a moment to the past!
The first part of the corporation Google, 1999
Che Guevara drinking mate
Boxing on the battleship "Oregon", 1897
Martin Luther King removes residue from the burning of the cross in his yard, 1960
Winston Churchill after swimming
20 minutes after the nuclear explosion in Nagasaki
The Vietnamese took over John McCain in the lake in Hanoi, 1967
Hitler's bunker (fyurerbunkere), Berlin, 1945
Samurai, 1860
The world's first restaurant of the chain McDonald's
Deer mosque during the bombing near Murmansk, 1941
Distribution of free soup during the Great Depression
Leo Tolstoy tells something to his grandsons, 1909
Arnold Schwarzenegger has received US citizenship in 1983
Fidel Castro lays a wreath near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, 1959
US loggers, the end of the nineteenth century,
Construction of Disneyland
Brothers Disney Company wives and mothers at the opening of the famous studio, 1923
Footprints left in the sky over London, after an air battle between British and German aircraft in September 1940
The construction of the Statue of Liberty, 1884
dog Patton in the day of death of the owner, in 1945
Ronald McDonald, 1963
The team with Microsoft, December 7, 1978
The construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961
Construction of the Manhattan Bridge, 1908
Albert Einstein's Office on the day of his death,
Pants Adolf Hitler after the attack on the "Wolf's Lair". Rastenburg, East Prussia, 1944
The Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989
The members of the Brighton Swimming Club, 1863
before sailing the Titanic, 1912
When you look at these pictures, it captures the spirit. It's like a return to the past with the help of a time machine. Fortunately we do not need as long as we have such a valuable pictures. Show these eloquent frames to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
This grand 30 historical moments in rare photographs. Touch for a moment to the past!
The first part of the corporation Google, 1999

Che Guevara drinking mate
Boxing on the battleship "Oregon", 1897

Martin Luther King removes residue from the burning of the cross in his yard, 1960

Winston Churchill after swimming

20 minutes after the nuclear explosion in Nagasaki

The Vietnamese took over John McCain in the lake in Hanoi, 1967

Hitler's bunker (fyurerbunkere), Berlin, 1945

Samurai, 1860

The world's first restaurant of the chain McDonald's

Deer mosque during the bombing near Murmansk, 1941

Distribution of free soup during the Great Depression

Leo Tolstoy tells something to his grandsons, 1909

Arnold Schwarzenegger has received US citizenship in 1983

Fidel Castro lays a wreath near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, 1959

US loggers, the end of the nineteenth century,

Construction of Disneyland

Brothers Disney Company wives and mothers at the opening of the famous studio, 1923

Footprints left in the sky over London, after an air battle between British and German aircraft in September 1940

The construction of the Statue of Liberty, 1884

dog Patton in the day of death of the owner, in 1945

Ronald McDonald, 1963

The team with Microsoft, December 7, 1978

The construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961

Construction of the Manhattan Bridge, 1908

Albert Einstein's Office on the day of his death,

Pants Adolf Hitler after the attack on the "Wolf's Lair". Rastenburg, East Prussia, 1944

The Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989

The members of the Brighton Swimming Club, 1863

before sailing the Titanic, 1912

When you look at these pictures, it captures the spirit. It's like a return to the past with the help of a time machine. Fortunately we do not need as long as we have such a valuable pictures. Show these eloquent frames to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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