Acacia - good and useful properties of acacia
Acacia - a fairly common and known tree with big thorns on the branches and trunk. It refers to a plant of the legume family, as evidenced by the fruit - long pods with seeds, which appear in the fall. Acacia since ancient times, people used to treat a variety of diseases. And in our time Acacia is listed in the official medicinal plants in many countries. Interestingly, the greatest benefit lies in all parts of the acacia: in flowers, bark, leaves. Nectar of the acacia blossoms are very fragrant and rich in valuable substances, honey of acacia is also very useful and tasty.
What are the benefits of acacia? Use of acacia
The flowers of plants contain sugars, organic acids, vitamins A and C, volatile oils, glycosides, flavonoids and tannins robinin. In the cortex, the young shoots are present stigmasterol, phytosterol, rutin, fatty oil, tannin and tannins, and contains flavonoids robinin exerted on the body gipoazotemicheskoe action: it stimulates the removal of urea and other harmful substances from the body
. Tincture acacia used topically, it helps with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. It is also used for grinding paralyzed limbs. Traditional medicine for therapeutic purposes using flowers, bark and young shoots of the acacia leaves.
The plant has an antipyretic, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic and a mild laxative effect. Alcohol tincture of flowers shown in peptic ulcer disease, food allergies, gastric bleeding, the female reproductive system diseases, pyelonephritis, in the early stages of hypertension. Infusions and decoctions of colors used in the flatulence, diarrhea, high blood pressure and the elimination of the consequences of stroke. Recipes German medicine recommends tincture of acacia flowers treat gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.
Decoction of leaves and flowers drink in various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as uterine fibroids. Tea from the flowers of acacia helps get rid of infertility and nervous disorders. The fragrance of flowers Acacia way to get rid of depression, calms and relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep. Naturopaths acacia appoint those who are depressed, and people who are prone to conflicts. It is believed that when a person or acacia prevents conflicts or solve them quickly.
Preparing decoctions of the leaves to reduce the temperature, the treatment of coughs, sore throats, colds and upper respiratory tract infections, including pertussis. In the treatment of respiratory diseases and use of acacia honey, a honey benefits are many, but the acacia honey has special useful properties. Remarkably, unlike other types of honey, Acacia does not crystallize and can be kept liquid over year.
In China and Japan acacia used to treat various diseases. The high content of rutin in the acacia provides health blood vessels: it strengthens and makes the elastic walls of them. Thanks to vitamins A and C acacia prevents premature aging and the appearance of cancer.
Carefully, acacia!
Alone it is not recommended to be treated acacia, since all parts of the plant contain toxic substances (in particular alkaloid robinin). Abnormalities in the dosage cause severe poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, diarrhea, headache, sharp abdominal pain, heart failure, severe weakness. When any of these symptoms should immediately wash out the stomach, activated charcoal to drink and seek medical advice.
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