When an accident is better than all your art

effort to create a true masterpiece that some artists are killing for many years to the study of art. But there are times when you just accidentally drop the jar of paint - and the resulting picture, which at the time put in the best galleries in the world
Website is sharing with you examples of so-called random art to. to show that sometimes even the most beautiful works - it's just luck.
Man mix paint in the bank to find the right color for repair

forest image at the bottom of the cup after the last sip of coffee

girl poured acrylic paint in the sink

drops of yellow and black in the pot of white paint were given eruption

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Dog chose wrong place to take a nap


from accidentally falling drops turned

car washes leaked foam washing machines

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That's our truck rolled over with paints

Just paint spread out on the floor

When shooting shaking

via www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/267p80/she_chose_the_wrong_place_to_take_a_nap/
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