How to eat sushi? 4 simple rules from the legendary Japanese chef Masaharu Morimoto
legendary Japanese chef Masaharu Morimoto, who is often called the "Iron boss", owns several world-class restaurants around the world. He regularly gives master classes in different parts of the world, and even wrote a book "The New Art of Japanese cuisine." Recently Morimoto formulated four simple "law" regarding proper eating sushi. Besides the fact that the land turns out to be eaten with the fingers (but sticks in particular crime there), "Iron Chef" insists on the implementation of four more regulations. Revision Website happy to share them with the reader.
1. Do not mix. «Do not mix with wasabi and soy sauce. Once again: Do not mix wasabi with soy sauce »
! What is there to speak - we all sin this
2.. No "special offers». «What could be special sushi? They are all special! "Under the" special offers "restaurants often have a view of the" fish is not very fresh, and we urgently need to get rid of it. »
< 3. Try to dip in soy sauce only fish. «The soy sauce dip should be the part of the land where the fish is. It takes practice, but otherwise nothing. " This rule applies to both sushi and sashimi. That part of the product, where more fish, and needs to be treated with soy sauce.
< 4. Do not bite off - land have to send in your mouth completely. "Sometimes women say -" Well, it's not possible - too much to eat in one bite! "I do not know - you must do it»
And in this video, another chef Naomichi Yasuda, talks about the process more detail
Bon appetit!
via mixstuff.ru/archives/14130
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