What the Japanese did to get $30 million in two years
If you're in a job you don't like and still don't know what you're going to be when you grow up, here's an idea. Take an example from Shoji MorimotoWho literally makes money and a lot of his own laziness. The Japanese for two years of idleness earned 30 million yen, which is almost 300 thousand dollars. His profession is renter.
The Japanese are a very hardworking people. Sometimes they do not even have time to make a friend or find a life partner. No time. So the resourcefulness of 37-year-old Shoji Morimoto came very handy.
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Shoji Morimoto has a college degree, and two years ago he worked for his uncle. But, no matter what, he simply did not want to put much effort into making a living. Then the guy decided to use his laziness by 200%.
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Shoji tweeted, “I can’t do anything except simple tasks.” I rent myself out as a professional slacker. If you don’t have a player on the team, no one to go to the store with, or just have to take a seat, I can keep you company, he tweeted. At first, Shoji didn’t charge for his services, but when there were too many customers, he set a price.
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Morimoto customers are often lonely people who are bored. Shoji can go to the cinema with a person, to the store, to chat at lunch in a cafe. The guy specifies the amount taking into account the cost of travel and food. He says that communication is not binding. When communicating with Shoji, a person does not owe him anything, is not bound by annoying aspects, as is the case with friends and acquaintances.
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A post shared by Portal Berita Inibaru.id (@inibaru.id)
Shoji Morimoto worked at the publishing house until 2018 and has a degree in physics. But serious work brought him neither pleasure nor the desired earnings. To date, the Japanese is the author of his own book about how he earned money, being a slacker, and also became the prototype of the hero of the series.
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It is amazing how delusional ideas turn out to be the best decisions in life and turn the course of events on its head. You just have to dare. I wonder if such a profession would take root in our country, as you think?

The Japanese are a very hardworking people. Sometimes they do not even have time to make a friend or find a life partner. No time. So the resourcefulness of 37-year-old Shoji Morimoto came very handy.
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A post shared by Semanario Argentino de Miami (@semanarioargentino_miami)
Shoji Morimoto has a college degree, and two years ago he worked for his uncle. But, no matter what, he simply did not want to put much effort into making a living. Then the guy decided to use his laziness by 200%.
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A post shared by ) (@tsukiharamasako)
Shoji tweeted, “I can’t do anything except simple tasks.” I rent myself out as a professional slacker. If you don’t have a player on the team, no one to go to the store with, or just have to take a seat, I can keep you company, he tweeted. At first, Shoji didn’t charge for his services, but when there were too many customers, he set a price.
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A post shared by Kaltengtoday.com (@kaltengtodaycom)
Morimoto customers are often lonely people who are bored. Shoji can go to the cinema with a person, to the store, to chat at lunch in a cafe. The guy specifies the amount taking into account the cost of travel and food. He says that communication is not binding. When communicating with Shoji, a person does not owe him anything, is not bound by annoying aspects, as is the case with friends and acquaintances.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Portal Berita Inibaru.id (@inibaru.id)
Shoji Morimoto worked at the publishing house until 2018 and has a degree in physics. But serious work brought him neither pleasure nor the desired earnings. To date, the Japanese is the author of his own book about how he earned money, being a slacker, and also became the prototype of the hero of the series.
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A post shared by ) (@tsukiharamasako)
It is amazing how delusional ideas turn out to be the best decisions in life and turn the course of events on its head. You just have to dare. I wonder if such a profession would take root in our country, as you think?
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