23.05. Burn - does not mean to deny
< 1592
Schaub have a dissenting opinion regarding the Christian church have enough reasons to even quite formal. During the Crusades and remember wildly uncomfortable. Although in aggregate, though separately - for which, I am sorry, I must have been fooling Constantinople? Ta and difficult to explain to individuals the claims in the Holy Church were.
With Giordano Bruno much bad poluchilos- friend sensed the trend was in the know, not only in the neighboring yard. Shaw unapproved books read, a piece, of course, unpleasant, well, and this was the time - Copernicus had seen enough in the pipe, figured figured - it is impossible to Earth in the Universe Center. And Giordano poraskinul at your leisure (the good, the monks of this good enough) - and Shaw, if the stars - and not just fireflies, means, and also some lights out there, but very far away? In terms rasstoyaniya.Tak about it and he was not the first thought. In general, the young was more specific 'brother hacked to death with the monastery. Then I realized, no sho him Mazu does not pull and look at it as something special, did not wait and went back to Rome from his kingdom of Naples. Then he figured sho Rome - also not an option, then you and Dad at hand, and the Inquisition, of course, and moved to the north. But Shoto, and there did not grow together, I moved on, and heresy Bruno hung in the University of Geneva. Nepruha, it happens. But in France it is much like Henry III. So he did not Toko called him to her, so also the letter of recommendation was that Bruno decided to go to England. So there he did not like. It seems people have the right - Shakespeare, Bacon, but it turned
understanding. This is actually what everyone said - well, do not agree with him were a lot of people. And Shaw? Plant for this or ask why he thinks so?
So from Venice, where Bruno May 23, 1592 still tied on the denunciation (exclusive game, I say to you, hired this shmuck Mocenigo respected person to learn his concepts with something did not agree, and sho your balls - snitched So what was used. and this citizen Mocenigo caulked and ask around: "and what are you, a good friend, to learn from the noble heretic like?"), he was asked about sho year for life and beliefs. Understood, sho lacks leveled, drained Giordano in Rome. In the Eternal City with it grated concepts for six years. Six, Carl! But there were able to ask for, I assure you.
Well, let spit and saliva. Already the 17th century has come. Not all perepalish. They are dreaming. "To punish without the shedding of blood».
Wants to object, so when it was - dark times, they say. Right now I add.
So from when it was the 400th anniversary of the death of Bruno, named Angelo Sodano - have a cardinal - spoke sho penalty Bruno "sad episode", but, they say, everything has been done right and gentlemen Inquisitors "have done everything possible to save his life ". And bold point: Dad of the same opinion. Rehabilitate (!!!) Bruno reasons not all justified and legitimate
The same Angelo Sodano
Schaub have a dissenting opinion regarding the Christian church have enough reasons to even quite formal. During the Crusades and remember wildly uncomfortable. Although in aggregate, though separately - for which, I am sorry, I must have been fooling Constantinople? Ta and difficult to explain to individuals the claims in the Holy Church were.
With Giordano Bruno much bad poluchilos- friend sensed the trend was in the know, not only in the neighboring yard. Shaw unapproved books read, a piece, of course, unpleasant, well, and this was the time - Copernicus had seen enough in the pipe, figured figured - it is impossible to Earth in the Universe Center. And Giordano poraskinul at your leisure (the good, the monks of this good enough) - and Shaw, if the stars - and not just fireflies, means, and also some lights out there, but very far away? In terms rasstoyaniya.Tak about it and he was not the first thought. In general, the young was more specific 'brother hacked to death with the monastery. Then I realized, no sho him Mazu does not pull and look at it as something special, did not wait and went back to Rome from his kingdom of Naples. Then he figured sho Rome - also not an option, then you and Dad at hand, and the Inquisition, of course, and moved to the north. But Shoto, and there did not grow together, I moved on, and heresy Bruno hung in the University of Geneva. Nepruha, it happens. But in France it is much like Henry III. So he did not Toko called him to her, so also the letter of recommendation was that Bruno decided to go to England. So there he did not like. It seems people have the right - Shakespeare, Bacon, but it turned
understanding. This is actually what everyone said - well, do not agree with him were a lot of people. And Shaw? Plant for this or ask why he thinks so?
So from Venice, where Bruno May 23, 1592 still tied on the denunciation (exclusive game, I say to you, hired this shmuck Mocenigo respected person to learn his concepts with something did not agree, and sho your balls - snitched So what was used. and this citizen Mocenigo caulked and ask around: "and what are you, a good friend, to learn from the noble heretic like?"), he was asked about sho year for life and beliefs. Understood, sho lacks leveled, drained Giordano in Rome. In the Eternal City with it grated concepts for six years. Six, Carl! But there were able to ask for, I assure you.
Well, let spit and saliva. Already the 17th century has come. Not all perepalish. They are dreaming. "To punish without the shedding of blood».
Wants to object, so when it was - dark times, they say. Right now I add.
So from when it was the 400th anniversary of the death of Bruno, named Angelo Sodano - have a cardinal - spoke sho penalty Bruno "sad episode", but, they say, everything has been done right and gentlemen Inquisitors "have done everything possible to save his life ". And bold point: Dad of the same opinion. Rehabilitate (!!!) Bruno reasons not all justified and legitimate
The same Angelo Sodano
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