10 atmospheric audiorasskazov for the perfect English

Audiobooks -. Gorgeous to expand vocabulary and develop the ability to understand foreign speech by ear
Website publishes a selection of the most different audiorasskazov for those wishing to improve their English language

O. Henry "Gifts of the Magi» /
O. Henry «The Gift Of the Magi» infinitely romantic story of two lovers who are ready to sacrifice the most valuable for its second half, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ray Bradbury's "Endless rain» / Ray Bradbury «The Long Rain» The crew crashes on Venus. The astronauts have to get to Sunny dome - the only place on this planet without rain

Jack London "Bonfire» /
Jack London «To Build a Fire» The protagonist travels through one of the trails of the Yukon in the far north on a very cold day, accompanied by a dog. Poignant story about the strength of spirit and humanity, about the confrontation between man and nature was written by Jack London, based on his own memories of life in the North.

James Joyce's "The cloud» /
James Joyce «A Little Cloud» The story of the inhabitants of Dublin is part of the collection "Dubliners" in which the author describes in detail the city on the basis of personal memories. Critics say "Russian character" of English short stories and is often compared to a collection of Chekhov's stories.

HG Wells' The Magic Shop »/
Gerbert Wells «The Magic Shop» The story is a parable about the magic of the sacrament. Magic shop - a place transformations, metamorphoses, which are so easily happen to a person in childhood and memories remain for life

Arthur C. Doyle "A Scandal in Bohemia» /
Arthur C. Doyle «A Scandal In Bohemia» The story of the investigation of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, in which he met the woman. This is the first product of the series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes».

Raymond Carver, "What are we talking about when we talk about love» /
Raymond Carver «What We Talk About When We Talk About Love» Story-argument about a different love and the bizarre ways in which people go to it.

Agatha Christie "Black currant» /
Agatha Christie «Four and Twenty Blackbirds» One detective Hercule Poirot became interested in strange old man who regularly dined in the same restaurant on Tuesdays and Thursdays. One day an old man came here on Monday and did not eat that always.

Haruki Murakami "The disappearance of the elephant» /
Haruki Murakami «The Elephant Vanishes» Thoughtful sketch about human life begins with the mysterious disappearance of a famous bishop of the city zoo.

Neil Gaiman "How to talk
with girls at parties »/
Neil Gaiman «How To Talk To Girls At Parties» The alien meets two guys who live in the most dangerous place in the universe - in London
. Photos on the preview: Robert Kneschke / shutterstock.com
via www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=270210245&src=id
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