10 things I learned while preparing for the wedding

«! YES" - all this is over, my quiet life
. Now I remember with a fair amount of humor, but then, believe me, there was no time for jokes. The fact that a year ago, at the time my husband said with trepidation that I decided to become one. And though we liked to wake up in the morning with or without a stamp in the passport, niskolechko confident, I blurted out, "Yes».
Do not get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy that the bride was the first, and then the wife of this man. As for the preparations for the wedding ... You know what they say: "I think happiness, but no, it turned out, the experience." And so with the preparation. However, because of this situation, I made a few, in my opinion, important things. These things are now helping to look perfect on any celebration.
1. Down superstition! When I joyfully voiced his numerous family that getting married, all of a sudden become very superstitious. That is, before the black cats and women with no fear empty buckets, and then began something like this: "In no case the groom should not see the dress before the wedding!»
Or, to be sure rounding eyes, whispered to his aunt: "In no case do not buy this dress. It looks like a skirt and blouse, it will set you on the bride against each other. »
Really? My marital bliss depends on the style of wedding dress?
In any case, I am not allowed to spoil his life and a foretaste of the joyful event unfounded fears. Our happiness depends only on the two of us.
2. Do as convenient "Why winter wedding?" - Questions rained down from everywhere. "Put on your contact lenses instead of glasses, glasses do not look with a wedding dress," - my mother insisted
. By the way, I wear glasses from the first class, it sometimes seems to me that they are about to become part of my nose.
< Do as convenient to you. Many, perhaps with me I will not agree, but I did not fundamentally change their beliefs and habits for one day. In winter or summer - it's still a terrific celebration. I've never worn contact lenses, and figs with them. I put on glasses. This is better than the habit reddened eyes.
3. Eat Health Preparations for the wedding - troublesome. For all the worries may be difficult to set aside time snack, and often disappears by itself and the desire to eat. My appetite vanished in those moments when vsplaknuvshie grandmother with a conspiratorial view of stretched white tights with a fleece and said: "Well, you freeze in the winter, and I'll kolgotochki in store. Cushy! »
The result was disastrous - dress turned me great. So now I eat and not afraid to add a few extra kilograms
4.. We - Cinderella Yes, exactly. We - Cinderella. And not only that, wearing a wedding dress, we turn into a princess. I prefer to prepare for the unexpected, so take with a needle and thread. The need to mend in the end was not, but it will greatly facilitate life if kto-to rashly will come on the train or with excessive zeal pulls future spouse for sleeve. Even though this is a plus - you can easily demonstrate their crafts
! By the way, now I follow this unwritten rule, each output in the light. I have already collected a good collection of threads.
5. We care about the beauty of advance before any celebration worth thinking about "hover marafeta". In this case, before the wedding I still found the time and took all cosmetic procedures in advance (if the procedure is radical, "advance" read "on the eve"). In that I convinced my companion.
Despite the fact that he "told how to cut" that shave in the morning before the wedding. A new sharp blade. Of course, he was joking. Scars man decorate, but to look at the important events after the fight with cats is not comme il faut.
6. Velvet claws I'll start without preamble. I have great hands, beautiful shape nails. But for the wedding, I have gone too far. Long nails looking perfect. Ideal uncomfortable! Imagine my despair when his own claws, I was afraid to damage the delicate silk dresses. < Now I try to just nails were beautiful, natural. In addition, less likely to accidentally break or damage the lacquer coating.
7. Remove all! All pre-wedding day I spent in a soft plush blanket. I was tempted to go there at the same ceremony, but husband thought that this idea will confuse visitors. Again, I was wrapped in a blanket is not just. And no, that's not the jitters before the wedding. I'm just relieved to cast off all oppressive and unnecessary - underwear with bones, underwear with elastic bands, bracelets. < Worst, if tightness unnecessary places red skin scars will peek out from the neckline. It was a wonderful moment of freedom!
8. Dance I do not even really know how to dance, but, in my opinion, is the best way to carry shoes. < Any, even the very expensive shoes or ballet flats in a position to remind neraznoshennom «Spanish boot." Before the wedding I looked like the heroine of the book "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett, currently arranging balls in front of the mirror every day. It was fun, and as a result no corn after the holiday!
By the way, your favorite shoes still bring along to a celebration. Who knows, suddenly come in handy.
9. The image I carefully approached the combination of the bride and groom images. My dress on your wedding day more like crystal white towel from the air conditioner commercials for laundry with the smell of Nordic spring. Shirt future husband I chose the same tone.
I realized that the white - artful color make it so many shades, sometimes elusive. < If the future spouse shirt milky and dress - boil-and-white, you will be impressed that shirt before the wedding was taken out of an old trunk On the one hand, of course, a rarity on the other -.
Just ugly.
10. We like Despite shattered nerves and pre-wedding jitters, we've decided not to quarrel with each other.
No matter how absurd the situation may be, no matter how I wanted to say something offensive in response to the instructions, remember: We love
. P.S. If grandma offers warm tights - take, useful
! Author: Olga Vechkutova
Preview: © Maxim Garibaldi
via www.instagram.com/p/8FdVeNlS9B/?taken-by=garibalditv
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