General Motors and Lyft robotaksi will begin testing next year

Interior Chevrolet Bolt
While taxi drivers usually envy those who went to work on the Uber system, it's time to guard all the taxi drivers: General Motors Company and Lyft robotaksi plan to conduct the test on the basis of electric Chevrolet Bolt in one of the US cities next year. For robotaksi be used Cruise Automation Inc. The company's technology, which GM plans to buy for $ 1 billion.
GM is actively buying technology and customer engagement means to create a network of automatic taxi - apparently, the company seriously believes in the success of such an enterprise. In January, General Motors has invested in Lyft $ 500 million - and even then, the company planned to use robomobili
. According to the source in Lyft manual testing technology plan in an American city, whose name has not been disclosed, on most of these ordinary taxi customers. However, customers will be given the opportunity to choose - if they want to try to ride a robotic driver
. Napoleonic plans include at the same time testing electric Chevrolet Bolt, the output of which is scheduled for the end of 2016 (Chevrolet - a division of GM). Total available and giant will manufacture cars and an automatic drive technology, and customer base. GM plans at some point to lease on favorable terms normal (not automatic) electric Chevrolet Bolt drivers Lyft.
Among the company's competitors are automatically: Google robomobilya with the project; The Uber, Lyft direct competitor, which has a much larger volume, and since last year has developed his concept robomobilya; Tesla, which produces electric and gradually adding features autonomous driving. Apparently, the beginning of the 2020s the number of robomobiley on the roads will begin to grow very quickly.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/275400/
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