General Motors is working on a rival electric cars Tesla Motors

General Motors Company began work on a new project - an electric vehicle, which will be called Bolt. Cruising on a single battery charge - 320 kilometers, and the price - only 30 thousand dollars. However, this electric car should appear only a couple of years - in 2017.
Elekromobil will complement the range of "green" cars from GM, which include, for example, Chevrolet Volt. As for the hybrid Volt, then a new model of the electric vehicle was introduced in August last year. By the way, there is another GM electric car in stock, Spark, but he can travel only 130 miles on a full battery charge.
far as we can understand, Bolt will compete with Tesla Model 3 , model, Elon Musk announced in June last year. With regard to electric Tesla, refers Tesla Model 3, its size will be 20% less than the Model S, and the range - 320 kilometers.
At present, the real competition in electric Tesla not. But now many companies, including Audi, BMW, Volvo are working to create their own versions of electric vehicles. And it is likely that in time competitor still appear.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244049/