Life is not measured by the breath, and stop the Spirit
"Life is not measured by the breath, and stop the Spirit»
George Garlin
The paradox of our time is that we have tall buildings, but low tolerance; wide highways, but the narrow views.
We spend more, but have less; We buy more, but less pleased.
We have bigger houses and smaller families; More conveniences, but less time.
We have more education, but less than the mind; more knowledge, but a low estimate; more experts, but more problems; More medicine, but less wellness.
We drink a lot, smoke a lot; We spend very irresponsible; We laugh very little; we go very quickly; irritated very easily; go to bed very late, we wake up very tired; read very little, we watch TV very much and pray very rare.
Increase the claim, but reduce the value. We speak a lot, love is very rare, and hate too often.
We know how to survive, but do not know how to live.
We add years to human life, but do not add life to years.
We travel to the moon and back, but we find it difficult to go out and meet the new neighbor.
To conquer outer space, but not the spiritual.
We do big things, but good things.
Clear the air, but pollute the soul.
Subordinating the atom, but not prejudice.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but less reach.
Learned to rush but not to wait.
Making new computers that gather more information and spew more copies of the past, but we communicate less and less. This time, fast food, but poor digestion; big men and small shower; easy money and difficult meetings. Time larger family incomes and frequent divorces; beautiful homes and broken families.
Time short journeys; disposable diapers and disposable morality; meetings for one night, and obesity; pills that do everything for us - excite, calm, kill. The time in which a lot of shows the outside, but there is little domestic.
A time when technology can instantly receive this email, and share your opinions about this or simply delete it.
Remember! Allow more time for those you love, because they are with you constantly.
Remember! Speak kind words to those who looks at you from the bottom up with admiration, because this little creature will soon grow up and leave you.
Remember! and warmly hug a loved one, because that is the only treasure that can give from the heart, and that is not worth anything.
Remember! and say "I love you" to your loved ones, and constantly think about it.
Kisses, hugs and words of love can fix any evil that come from the heart.
Remember! and join hands; and most any time when you are together, because this man will not be near you constantly.
Take time to love, take the time to talk about it; take the time to share all that you have to say. Because life is not measured by the number of breaths, and only stop of the Spirit.
George Garlin
The paradox of our time is that we have tall buildings, but low tolerance; wide highways, but the narrow views.
We spend more, but have less; We buy more, but less pleased.
We have bigger houses and smaller families; More conveniences, but less time.
We have more education, but less than the mind; more knowledge, but a low estimate; more experts, but more problems; More medicine, but less wellness.
We drink a lot, smoke a lot; We spend very irresponsible; We laugh very little; we go very quickly; irritated very easily; go to bed very late, we wake up very tired; read very little, we watch TV very much and pray very rare.
Increase the claim, but reduce the value. We speak a lot, love is very rare, and hate too often.
We know how to survive, but do not know how to live.
We add years to human life, but do not add life to years.
We travel to the moon and back, but we find it difficult to go out and meet the new neighbor.
To conquer outer space, but not the spiritual.
We do big things, but good things.
Clear the air, but pollute the soul.
Subordinating the atom, but not prejudice.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but less reach.
Learned to rush but not to wait.
Making new computers that gather more information and spew more copies of the past, but we communicate less and less. This time, fast food, but poor digestion; big men and small shower; easy money and difficult meetings. Time larger family incomes and frequent divorces; beautiful homes and broken families.
Time short journeys; disposable diapers and disposable morality; meetings for one night, and obesity; pills that do everything for us - excite, calm, kill. The time in which a lot of shows the outside, but there is little domestic.
A time when technology can instantly receive this email, and share your opinions about this or simply delete it.
Remember! Allow more time for those you love, because they are with you constantly.
Remember! Speak kind words to those who looks at you from the bottom up with admiration, because this little creature will soon grow up and leave you.
Remember! and warmly hug a loved one, because that is the only treasure that can give from the heart, and that is not worth anything.
Remember! and say "I love you" to your loved ones, and constantly think about it.
Kisses, hugs and words of love can fix any evil that come from the heart.
Remember! and join hands; and most any time when you are together, because this man will not be near you constantly.
Take time to love, take the time to talk about it; take the time to share all that you have to say. Because life is not measured by the number of breaths, and only stop of the Spirit.
She came silently ...
Laws of formation energy space: We are responsible for everything that happens with us