LED DIY-lantern 100,000 lumens with water cooling
User YouTube Samm Sheperd recently posted a video with a demonstration of his homemade lantern 100,000 lumens. System power - 800 watts. He did his own, adding the self-made cooling system from a water bottle, the water pump, PVC pipes and radiator cooler.
The lamp used in the light-emitting diodes 100 watts each, plus lenses (by their glued with epoxy and then removed the protruding parts). The LEDs are connected in parallel, each provided with a ceramic resistor 1 ohm. The housing is made of aluminum slats, and wooden platforms. During assembly, use a large amount of superglue and epoxy.
Video title tells us that the lamp generates a beam brightness of 100,000 lumens. This is true despite the fact that the video just shows a total of 8 LEDs brightness of 9000 lumens each. The fact is that after assembly devaysa author added three LEDs, bringing its total to 100,000 lumens brightness. This beam is quite wide, as opposed to uzkofokusnyh powerful lights, which compares this homemade.
As for batteries, their capacity is not available, but in the comments, the author says that the total duration of the flashlight battery life is approximately 6 minutes. The water in the system heated to 82 degrees Celsius.

The lamp used in the light-emitting diodes 100 watts each, plus lenses (by their glued with epoxy and then removed the protruding parts). The LEDs are connected in parallel, each provided with a ceramic resistor 1 ohm. The housing is made of aluminum slats, and wooden platforms. During assembly, use a large amount of superglue and epoxy.

Video title tells us that the lamp generates a beam brightness of 100,000 lumens. This is true despite the fact that the video just shows a total of 8 LEDs brightness of 9000 lumens each. The fact is that after assembly devaysa author added three LEDs, bringing its total to 100,000 lumens brightness. This beam is quite wide, as opposed to uzkofokusnyh powerful lights, which compares this homemade.
As for batteries, their capacity is not available, but in the comments, the author says that the total duration of the flashlight battery life is approximately 6 minutes. The water in the system heated to 82 degrees Celsius.