13 Unusual Chinese traditions that you were very surprised
We present to you 13 Chinese customs that you at least surprised, to say the least. So there you go:
1. Respect sticks citizens
You can not stick them in a cup of rice
You can not gesticulate with sticks in their hands, and the more they indicate a person (even on the table chopsticks should not "indicate" on someone. at the table) You can not knock on the dish with chopsticks And of course, it is impossible to use them is not the end of the
2. After a delicious lunch ... burp rely
The fact that in many countries it is considered beastliness in China - a sign of gratitude to owners and a special compliment to the cook
3. More tea? Knock on wood!
In China, tea is drunk in small cups or bowls, and they should not be empty. According to tradition, guests are constantly pour tea, and those of gratitude each time banging your fingers on the table.
They say that this tradition comes from the 18th century, when Emperor Qianlong traveled the country incognito and interacted with ordinary people. When he poured his tea dressed servants, those in gratitude for this generosity, were to fall to her knees, but could not and just banging on the table with two bent fingers (symbolizing knees bent).
These days, you can knock and fingertips.
4. From made persistently refuse gifts
Let it not offend you - even the most desirable thing for the Chinese rules of politeness, will be rejected several times. But you have to insist, after a maximum of three times the failure of your gift will be gladly accepted. (By the way, do not forget to first politely refuse any of gifts).
And do not expect your gift immediately appreciate, because opening it when the giver is considered rude. And better to be careful about who and what to give to your harmless souvenir is not regarded as a bribe.
5. Relish spitting in public places - it's OK
We, the Russians, it's too familiar? But if there's a nasty habit produces a definite type of citizens, there is common to all, including women. Moreover, the Chinese are not only spit on the sidewalk, but also from the windows of the bus and train, and sometimes even in the rooms.
6. "Corral and order": geese in the police force
In the Chinese province of Xinjiang's largest service dogs prefer domestic geese: they have excellent eyesight, they are noisy and, when necessary, aggressive. Incidentally, feathered arms of the law to prevent the mass theft!
Police goose hits
7. Do not point the finger in Tibet!
In all the regions inhabited by Tibetans, this gesture is considered rude. In person or thing you need to specify the entire wrist with the palm turned upwards, and tightly clenched fingers straight.
8. It is impossible to thank you for the compliment
Because in Chinese eyes is a sign of vanity. So do not be surprised if in response to the praise for any reason, get a protest, even the absurd: "No, no, the food was terrible," "No, my child stupid and unsympathetic", etc. Just at the heart of Eastern culture - modesty and humility, and bragging and complacency condemned
9. Tipping can be regarded as an insult to
In recent years, many city restaurants accept gratuities, resigned to the habits of western tourists, but all the same for the Chinese money is not gratitude, and gross disrespect (reread paragraphs 4 and 8). An exception may be employees in hotels and guides, trained Western (especially American) tradition.
10. The Chinese often ask foreigners to be photographed with them
Do not be surprised if walking in the park or sitting in a café, you will be the focus of local, who will want to do with your selfie memory. And they will be happy, if you ask in response to the same.
11. Instead of diapers children on the street wearing pants with holes in the right places
What is particularly shocking, the child can easily make their case in a public place. For example, sitting on a park bench.
< 12. China beach fashion: hair balaclavas
Pale skin is the main attribute of beauty, so that in 2004 invented hair balaclavas hiding the face and neck from the sun (as well as burns from jellyfish), immediately began to mega
This is not Brazil. These are horrible bathers rest Qingdao city beaches
13. The Chinese can take a nap on the street for all to see
And right back in the truck - they fall asleep in the most unusual places, taking the most bizarre poses. This habit got so popular that there was even a special site Sleeping Chinese ( «Sleeping Chinese"), where you can see them funny photos.
Now imagine what it's really a complicated thing - the friendship between the peoples of
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