What is love
And let's race up hills? - He offered her, anticipating victory.
- Nope. - She refused - The teacher said not to run. Then fall.
- Chickened out? Give up? - Podnachil he hurt her and laughed.
- Here's another. - She sniffed and dashed on to the hill. Then they sat in a group, punished, under the supervision of nurses, looked out the window as walking and THER dulis on each other and on the governess.
- Told you - get - she muttered.
- I would have definitely surpassed - he sulked
- - You ran dishonest. I'm not ready ...
- - And I bet I'm faster than you read? - He offered her.
- - Hahaha. - She took a bet - This will test the technique of reading and see. If I'm faster - will my portfolio to home and school to carry all week.
- And if I do - you give me your apples all week! - He agreed. Then he puffed on the road with two rucksacks and muttered:
- - So what! But you do not remember what you read and write slowly. Bet? ..
- And let's play. - He suggested
- - As if I were a knight, and you as if lady.
- Fool. - Somehow offended it.
- Poor? - He laughed
- - Beginner embarrassed at the sight of me? And a fool not to call names too weak.
- - And nothing weak. - She was led - Then that's what. You do not call too stupid and protect.
- Of course - he nodded - And you tell me you solve algebra. Not knighthood this business.
- Do you write me works. - She giggled
- Lying and write - just chivalrous thing. And then he was justified in the phone:
- And it was not necessary to conduct himself like a fool. Then no one would be a fool not called. Incidentally, I apologized immediately ...
- You'll be able to play in love with me man? - She asked
- With difficulty. - He replied sarcastically - I know you too well. And what happened?
- At the party invited. And one does not want to go. Will offer all
- Nuu ... I did not even know he drawled.
- Poor? - Podnachila it.
- And nothing weak - he took the offer - With your pack of cigars, by the way.
- For what? - Did not understand it.
- Escort now roads, - he threw up his hands. And on the way home, he muttered: - Play in love, play the lover. And she thrashes in the face for no reason ... Loving the way kissing usually climb:
- What is it? - She asked.
- Ring. Is not it obvious? - He mumbled.
- Nibelungen? Power? Some new game afoot?
- -Ugu. Come to play husband and wife - he blurted
- - We need to think - she nodded.
- Poor? - Podnachil it.
- And nothing weak - she drawled - And we do not flirt?
- Yes divorce if that. Business somehow. - He chuckled. And then he was justified:
- How do I know how offers are made? Well I suggest for the first time. Well, you want to try again? I'm not weak.
- Play your parents? - She suggested.
- Bring It On. In my or yours? - He agreed
- - Fool. In the parents' own child. Weak?
- Wow, how - he thought - not weaker, of course, but it's hard, I suppose.
- - Giving up? - Upset she
- No, no. When did I give in to you? The game, of course - he decided.
- - Complicate the game. You are now playing a grandmother. - The Truth? - Could not believe it. - 3900. - he nodded - kid. Poorly you play a grandmother?
- - Are you in this case, what to play?
- In her husband's grandmother - he laughed
- - It is foolish to play my grandmother. - In de dos-a-boo. How would you then not young - she laughed
- - Or weak?
- Where shall I go something ...
- She was sitting by his bed and cried: - give up? You give up something? Out of the game? Weakly still play?
- - Uh-huh. It seems that way - he said - played bad, huh?
- You lost, just give up. Got It? Lost.
- A controversial statement - he smiled and died & quot ;.
- Nope. - She refused - The teacher said not to run. Then fall.
- Chickened out? Give up? - Podnachil he hurt her and laughed.
- Here's another. - She sniffed and dashed on to the hill. Then they sat in a group, punished, under the supervision of nurses, looked out the window as walking and THER dulis on each other and on the governess.

- Told you - get - she muttered.
- I would have definitely surpassed - he sulked
- - You ran dishonest. I'm not ready ...
- - And I bet I'm faster than you read? - He offered her.
- - Hahaha. - She took a bet - This will test the technique of reading and see. If I'm faster - will my portfolio to home and school to carry all week.
- And if I do - you give me your apples all week! - He agreed. Then he puffed on the road with two rucksacks and muttered:
- - So what! But you do not remember what you read and write slowly. Bet? ..
- And let's play. - He suggested
- - As if I were a knight, and you as if lady.
- Fool. - Somehow offended it.
- Poor? - He laughed
- - Beginner embarrassed at the sight of me? And a fool not to call names too weak.
- - And nothing weak. - She was led - Then that's what. You do not call too stupid and protect.
- Of course - he nodded - And you tell me you solve algebra. Not knighthood this business.
- Do you write me works. - She giggled
- Lying and write - just chivalrous thing. And then he was justified in the phone:
- And it was not necessary to conduct himself like a fool. Then no one would be a fool not called. Incidentally, I apologized immediately ...

- You'll be able to play in love with me man? - She asked
- With difficulty. - He replied sarcastically - I know you too well. And what happened?
- At the party invited. And one does not want to go. Will offer all
- Nuu ... I did not even know he drawled.
- Poor? - Podnachila it.
- And nothing weak - he took the offer - With your pack of cigars, by the way.
- For what? - Did not understand it.
- Escort now roads, - he threw up his hands. And on the way home, he muttered: - Play in love, play the lover. And she thrashes in the face for no reason ... Loving the way kissing usually climb:

- What is it? - She asked.
- Ring. Is not it obvious? - He mumbled.
- Nibelungen? Power? Some new game afoot?
- -Ugu. Come to play husband and wife - he blurted
- - We need to think - she nodded.
- Poor? - Podnachil it.
- And nothing weak - she drawled - And we do not flirt?
- Yes divorce if that. Business somehow. - He chuckled. And then he was justified:
- How do I know how offers are made? Well I suggest for the first time. Well, you want to try again? I'm not weak.

- Play your parents? - She suggested.
- Bring It On. In my or yours? - He agreed
- - Fool. In the parents' own child. Weak?
- Wow, how - he thought - not weaker, of course, but it's hard, I suppose.
- - Giving up? - Upset she
- No, no. When did I give in to you? The game, of course - he decided.

- - Complicate the game. You are now playing a grandmother. - The Truth? - Could not believe it. - 3900. - he nodded - kid. Poorly you play a grandmother?
- - Are you in this case, what to play?
- In her husband's grandmother - he laughed
- - It is foolish to play my grandmother. - In de dos-a-boo. How would you then not young - she laughed
- - Or weak?
- Where shall I go something ...

- She was sitting by his bed and cried: - give up? You give up something? Out of the game? Weakly still play?
- - Uh-huh. It seems that way - he said - played bad, huh?
- You lost, just give up. Got It? Lost.
- A controversial statement - he smiled and died & quot ;.