This device generates a pure water from the air
Clean water is necessary for all. The only problem is how to get this water. You can dig a well, to score "Abyssinian" or to drill artesian wells. But these solutions are not available to all. For example, residents of Ethiopia, to get to the clear water, due to the complex hydrogeology of the area, it is necessary to drill to a depth of 500 meters, and then pump water submersible electric pump. Poor people can not afford such a luxury, and electricity is not available in all villages. As a result, many residents have to collect water in cans from rivers, streams, lakes, etc. After that - to drag her to his home for many kilometers
Such water is often contaminated with pathogens, particles of dirt and waste, infectious agents, so its quality is below any criticism. Even after careful filtering it is dangerous to eat.
According to WHO (World Health Organization), more than 40% of Africans do not have access to clean drinking water.
This problem puzzled group of international researchers. Reasoning that introduce modern energy-intensive and expensive solutions will not work in one of the poorest regions of the world, engineers have proposed the next exit.
It is known that there is water in the air. All that is needed - it is to make a device in which the water can condense and fall in the form of dew. It remains only to collect it in a tank and then pour into jars.
A good example of this phenomenon - the morning dew that fell on the grass
. Pushing this idea, scientists have started to work. Stack water generator frame that resembles a curved tower made of bamboo stalks, linked with a rope.
Structural stability in strong winds give the eight-stretch ropes fixed on driven into the ground
Within the framework of 10 meters and a diameter of 4 meters in a circle to hang a special nylon mesh resembling a spider web.
Bottom mounted water traps, made of thick waterproof fabric.
As the region is the difference between night and day temperatures can reach over 30 ° C, this creates perfect conditions for maximum moisture condensation.
Water droplets that fell to the grid-filament web as dew, gravity drain down into the trap, and then fall into the storage tank.
Calculations have shown that under the most favorable conditions, the installation will be able to collect up to 100 liters of clean drinking water per day.
To increase the efficiency of the installation, researchers equipped with its headers rainwater. And as a bonus - a special circular tent in the shade of which can shelter up to 10 people on a hot day
The researchers emphasize that the mount installation, which takes 3 hours in 4 people in the middle, does not require any special construction skills and tools. All you need is - a few knives, saws, tape, rope and tie
All components are made of very cheap and even junk materials. If necessary, the water generator weighing only 60 kg can be disassembled and transported to another location.
It is worth noting that scientists bothered not only about people, but also animals.
To protect the birds from getting into the net, hung a small mirror on the ends of bamboo rods. According to the researchers, the bright glare will scare away birds from the inhabitants of the savannah installation.
The scientists further plans include the modernization of the water generator. For example, reducing its size from the application of the calculation for two or three people. Either the combination of a small wind turbine, which is enough energy to charge a mobile device powered or low-power LED lamps.

Such water is often contaminated with pathogens, particles of dirt and waste, infectious agents, so its quality is below any criticism. Even after careful filtering it is dangerous to eat.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), more than 40% of Africans do not have access to clean drinking water.
This problem puzzled group of international researchers. Reasoning that introduce modern energy-intensive and expensive solutions will not work in one of the poorest regions of the world, engineers have proposed the next exit.
It is known that there is water in the air. All that is needed - it is to make a device in which the water can condense and fall in the form of dew. It remains only to collect it in a tank and then pour into jars.

A good example of this phenomenon - the morning dew that fell on the grass
. Pushing this idea, scientists have started to work. Stack water generator frame that resembles a curved tower made of bamboo stalks, linked with a rope.

Structural stability in strong winds give the eight-stretch ropes fixed on driven into the ground

Within the framework of 10 meters and a diameter of 4 meters in a circle to hang a special nylon mesh resembling a spider web.

Bottom mounted water traps, made of thick waterproof fabric.

As the region is the difference between night and day temperatures can reach over 30 ° C, this creates perfect conditions for maximum moisture condensation.

Water droplets that fell to the grid-filament web as dew, gravity drain down into the trap, and then fall into the storage tank.

Calculations have shown that under the most favorable conditions, the installation will be able to collect up to 100 liters of clean drinking water per day.

To increase the efficiency of the installation, researchers equipped with its headers rainwater. And as a bonus - a special circular tent in the shade of which can shelter up to 10 people on a hot day

The researchers emphasize that the mount installation, which takes 3 hours in 4 people in the middle, does not require any special construction skills and tools. All you need is - a few knives, saws, tape, rope and tie

All components are made of very cheap and even junk materials. If necessary, the water generator weighing only 60 kg can be disassembled and transported to another location.
It is worth noting that scientists bothered not only about people, but also animals.
To protect the birds from getting into the net, hung a small mirror on the ends of bamboo rods. According to the researchers, the bright glare will scare away birds from the inhabitants of the savannah installation.

The scientists further plans include the modernization of the water generator. For example, reducing its size from the application of the calculation for two or three people. Either the combination of a small wind turbine, which is enough energy to charge a mobile device powered or low-power LED lamps.
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