20 animals, of which you have never seen black
Melanism - a gene mutation, due to which the color of the animal's body becomes black or dark brown. Melanism is widely distributed in nature, and we can meet black people from very different species. The most common example of this phenomenon - the so-called "black panther". In fact, this is not a separate species of animals, as jaguars, leopards and pumas, born with black color. However, the mutation is found not only among the cat: Website has collected a whole collection of photos of animals, which we used to see in a completely different coloring
. Agree, black looks elegant, not only in humans!
See also: 8, the strangest types of bears
via factroom.ru
. Agree, black looks elegant, not only in humans!

See also: 8, the strangest types of bears
via factroom.ru
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