Pah-therapy, or How to cope with the shaft problems

It happens: you fly through life, and all you have to argue, but then again - BAM! Broads! - And you find yourself in a trap. Affairs, conflicts, difficult situations - a great choice for this does not stand up. To go through life on insufferably hard with him, but the planet is spinning, and we have to drag the trap for a.
Here I am once again with one foot stuck firmly. If you work in a school, then the trap is impossible not to fall, especially when comes the hard grade. So it happened in my case. They gave me a class of 23 children hardest, behind which not less than 46 difficult parents (the school was in a bad neighborhood). I wanted to be with them good and strong mentor, but the children got used to listen to and respect only those who, to put it mildly, wildly yelling at them.
The administration was displeased me as the class teacher: too many underachieving (in modern schools believe that klassruk it somehow can control without the help of parents), a discipline at a very low level classes (do not blame the teacher, who can not keep discipline). In addition to this project competition deadline, which I really wanted to take part, came to an end.
I came home one day after five hours of voting on raising children and realized that more can not do that. I cry. At this point, my friend called me:
- Hello ... - by sobs, he knew right away what it was. - What Revesz
? - I can not anymore! Enough! Children got! Parents get it! The school has got! - I was almost in hysterics
. - Well, what do I do? Crying sit? Forget you have all this ...
I was indignant:
- You say easy! And I go there every day and see it all!
- Yes, I'm serious! - And his voice was clear that he was not being disingenuous. - Well, that you care about it? Sidorov? Here now take it and say: "Fie on you, Sidorov!" And the hand of Makhno. It's famous tfuterapiya!
I'm a little ashamed (nepedagogichno somehow), but followed the advice. Heavy heart and faltering voice said "ugh" Sidorov, barely waving a trembling hand.
- Well, once you are feeble! - Prosmeyalsya it into the phone. - Come on something else? Come to the head teacher spit?
And I spat. Then again. And then another. And each told the magic word tears became less tremor in his hands calmed down, and let the voice of bouncy notes acquired, but at least it did not tremble. After listing all the objects of my "sympathy" in conjunction with a loud "UGH!" Was actually easier. Of course, all the problems are not resolved by a wave of a magic wand, but the attitude has become easier. Well, I'm not the perfect teacher, what to do about it? I've had enough and that I'm doing everything I can.
It seems that all this is too cynical? I can not believe it works? And you will see by example. Just one day, when you are all in the end zadolbali that's quite simply no strength, take and spit on it all. Nothing difficult. You just need to say right out loud "ugh" that gnaws and does not sleep. Just say "ugh" and to have his perfectionism to slow down. And definitely forget that tomorrow is sure to make all the works from the list.
You should always add an energetic gesture with his hand - as soon believe. And then suddenly find themselves suddenly remember that you are a living person, not a machine. What did you do in order to live, not to put down a tick in the glider. What's life - she's here and now, rather than at the weekend
. Then the case for small. Try to ask yourself this hackneyed question: "And whether it will be important in a year," and stepping on: "And after five" Feel a little Buddha inside, and the light that was almost extinguished. Breathe - if not freely, but quietly. And finally fall asleep peacefully.
And in the morning carry this inner light with him, smile at yourself honestly, indulge yourself suddenly a good cup of coffee and delicious cookies. And if a coffee will drop into your favorite shirt again say "ugh", smile and after work buy a new.
Author: Izet Nasyrova specifically for the Website
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