Horror on the plate 12 of the worst dishes of world Airlines
The fact that the food on airplanes does not differ excellent taste, everyone knows who has ever had to fly. According to some scientists, the blame is not the airline, and the nature: at a height of more than 10 thousand meters of human taste buds start to work differently. But not a very good taste - not only minus in-flight catering. Often dishes from the menu of the flight are extremely terrifying appearance, able to repel even the most ravenous appetite. Just look, with a meal sometimes facing air travelers from different countries.
< AirFrance
As planned by the airline AirFrance, it was supposed to be a cheese pizza. However, on a popular Italian dish whitish substance with yellow coating bears little resemblance.
"As you can all apply this to people?" - Outraged the author of the image in Instagram
In this photo taken on a plane airline Emirates Airline, also displayed a pizza. She looks, of course, more traditional. And this is perhaps its only advantage.
"God, I'd really like to think that I do not eat. But, hell, I did it ", - complains in the comments to traveler photos
Pizza with previous images, at least, was hot. But the author of this picture was less fortunate. He served as a lunch quite cold burger with slice of cheese and lettuce pozhuhshim.
"His taste was as disgusting as the appearance»
Virgin Air
The creators of the sandwich with the photo above at least not stinted on the big piece of cheese and full-leaf lettuce. Cooks Australian Virgin Air passed them on all fronts.
Do you think that is? Semolina? Milk pudding?
Neither one nor the other. Dish in the container - pasta with cheese. At the very least, see it a cook Spanish airline Iberia.
< Pancake of unknown origin
And in this form submitted "pancakes" of tourists from Russia. The traveler, however, preferred to keep silent the name of the carrier.
"It was given to the aircraft under the name of pancake. And the English were fairly written, it is "Donut" (donut). But Russian apparently decided not to frighten exotic "- says the author of the photo
. "What was the hell?" - Asks for this image of its author
Surprise passenger Hong Kong airline Dragonair explained. After all, the dish coyly disguised boiled cabbage leaf, - not that other, as the breakfast
. And this is also breakfast. However, already in the plane of the Russian airline JetAir.
"I Did not understand what it was at all. There was no, chewed pistachios instead ", - writes the author of the picture
And in airplanes airline Irish carrier Ryanair looks like hamburger.
Two meatballs floating in whitish broth with rice sediment treats its passengers a Chinese carrier AirChina.
Compared with lunch served at the AirAsia airline aircraft, all above mentioned for breakfast, lunch and dinner seem very delicious food.
"They (the airline, approx. Ed.) Called it a pot noodle. And as for me, it's the student's lunch ", - commented on the picture passenger
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< AirFrance
As planned by the airline AirFrance, it was supposed to be a cheese pizza. However, on a popular Italian dish whitish substance with yellow coating bears little resemblance.
"As you can all apply this to people?" - Outraged the author of the image in Instagram

In this photo taken on a plane airline Emirates Airline, also displayed a pizza. She looks, of course, more traditional. And this is perhaps its only advantage.
"God, I'd really like to think that I do not eat. But, hell, I did it ", - complains in the comments to traveler photos

Pizza with previous images, at least, was hot. But the author of this picture was less fortunate. He served as a lunch quite cold burger with slice of cheese and lettuce pozhuhshim.
"His taste was as disgusting as the appearance»

Virgin Air
The creators of the sandwich with the photo above at least not stinted on the big piece of cheese and full-leaf lettuce. Cooks Australian Virgin Air passed them on all fronts.

Do you think that is? Semolina? Milk pudding?

Neither one nor the other. Dish in the container - pasta with cheese. At the very least, see it a cook Spanish airline Iberia.
< Pancake of unknown origin
And in this form submitted "pancakes" of tourists from Russia. The traveler, however, preferred to keep silent the name of the carrier.

"It was given to the aircraft under the name of pancake. And the English were fairly written, it is "Donut" (donut). But Russian apparently decided not to frighten exotic "- says the author of the photo
. "What was the hell?" - Asks for this image of its author

Surprise passenger Hong Kong airline Dragonair explained. After all, the dish coyly disguised boiled cabbage leaf, - not that other, as the breakfast
. And this is also breakfast. However, already in the plane of the Russian airline JetAir.
"I Did not understand what it was at all. There was no, chewed pistachios instead ", - writes the author of the picture

And in airplanes airline Irish carrier Ryanair looks like hamburger.

Two meatballs floating in whitish broth with rice sediment treats its passengers a Chinese carrier AirChina.

Compared with lunch served at the AirAsia airline aircraft, all above mentioned for breakfast, lunch and dinner seem very delicious food.
"They (the airline, approx. Ed.) Called it a pot noodle. And as for me, it's the student's lunch ", - commented on the picture passenger

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