10 secrets of nature, that baffles modern science
Despite the tremendous advances in science and technology, especially in recent years, there remains enough unsolved mysteries in the world. It says that life in all its diversity, is much more complex than we imagine it. In this collection of 10 interesting mysteries of nature, the answers to which have not yet been found.
Magnetic compass in cows. B>
I bet you've never even thought about it. In general, and no one thought until Google Earth. But this service has allowed to study thousands of images of grazing cows and discover a very strange pattern: the cow always turns heads due north or south at the time when they eat or drink. It occurs in all continents, regardless of weather conditions, terrain and other factors.
Alkaloids in plants. B>
We do not know why so many of them need, but the fact remains that in modern plants contain about 7,000 different types of alkaloids. And the most common of these is morphine. If you still do not know what alkaloids, we recommend Googling, at least in order not to meet with them and their derivatives in life. But that's why they needed the plants - it is a mystery
The closer to the equator - the larger species
. Have you ever noticed that the equatorial climate prevails the greatest diversity of species, not only plants and animals, but even the simplest viruses. Any type of Ebola virus emerges and spreads it from Africa or South America. Theories on why the greatest species diversity is concentrated near the equator, there are dozens, but they all contradict each other.
Argentine ants. B>
Whatever it was, but these ants are the only living organisms on earth except man, who managed to settle on their own three continents. How do they do it - it is still a mystery. Appearing in South America, they were able to get yourself to Europe and Asia. At the same time, it should be noted that their genetic code all the time remained unchanged.
Too many phytoplankton. B>
Phytoplankton - these tiny organisms that float in the ocean. Their main secret lies in the fact that they are in the world too much. The basic theory of evolution makes it impossible to survive such a large number of different organisms. Because of this, it is bursting at the seams basic theory of evolution.
Dependence on oxygen. B>
Until recently, scientists believed that all multicellular organisms in the world somehow depend on the content of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, a few years ago in the Mediterranean Sea Animals (important clarification: not unicellular, namely animals) were found, which can live without oxygen. While it was not an isolated case, which can be attributed to a spontaneous mutation, but three different species of invertebrates Lucifer. Scientists still do not have a clue how they evolved.
The emergence of species out of nowhere. B>
Above this mystery, scientists are fighting for many years. The fact that many species of plants and animals on our planet just appeared. They did not have ancestors from which they have evolved, they just appeared. This was the case with the amphibians: not sure of the stage, gave life to amphibians which fish. The earliest land animals there are already well-developed limbs, shoulder and pelvic girdle, ribs and clearly expressed her head. And immediately a dozen different kinds. Same thing with mammals. The earliest mammals were small animals that led a secretive life in the era of the dinosaurs - 100 million years or more ago. Then, after the alleged cataclysm about 65 million years ago, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs in the fossil history at the same time - about 55 million years ago - there are several different groups of mammals
Amazing cbalansirovannost universe. B>
And here we are talking not only about the world, where we are seeing the incredible consistency of the various parameters and factors that made possible a reasonable life. It is about the entire universe, which also remains a perfectly balanced in all respects. Take for example the sun. If the nuclear power were less atoms only by several percent, there would be no fuel for solar energy, and hence the life on Earth. And whether nuclear power a little more sun would have exploded. On the subtlest calculation of the value of nuclear power it is precisely in a narrow range where neither one nor the other catastrophe can not happen. Changing the distance from the Sun to the Earth by only 2% would make life on Earth impossible. And this is only the basic parameters of the "thinnest setting." Why does everything in the universe so perfectly in unison - a mystery
Why extinct mammoths? B>
The fact that up to now in the north of Siberia and Alaska, scientists sometimes find quite whole, perfectly preserved mammoth carcasses. It could be adults and small mamontyata. But most interesting is that in the stomachs of these mammoths, and not only in the stomach, and even just in the mouth of some specimens and even nedoperevarennaya nedozhevannaya green was detected. This suggests that these animals died quite suddenly, all at once, just for his own dinner table. Why this happened is still unknown to scientists.
Cambrian explosion. B>
First I discovered this oddity Roderick Murchison. By studying fossils of ancient times, found in the relevant deposits, he found that layers of these deposits are separated by a sharp boundary. Below this limit, they are extremely poor biological remains and demonstrate the ubiquity alone the simplest single-celled organisms - bacteria and algae, and then, since the Cambrian period, about 550 million years ago, suddenly acquire an unprecedented wealth of new biological forms. Modern science has dispelled some of this mystery, finding that many of the groups of animals that are found in Cambrian strata lived in kriptozoe. Just most of them were soft-bodied creatures that do not have a solid shell or skeleton. But the mystery of the Cambrian explosion is still, just now the conversation is not that complex life forms emerged out of nowhere, and why so many of them suddenly acquired a mineral skeleton.
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Magnetic compass in cows. B>
I bet you've never even thought about it. In general, and no one thought until Google Earth. But this service has allowed to study thousands of images of grazing cows and discover a very strange pattern: the cow always turns heads due north or south at the time when they eat or drink. It occurs in all continents, regardless of weather conditions, terrain and other factors.

Alkaloids in plants. B>
We do not know why so many of them need, but the fact remains that in modern plants contain about 7,000 different types of alkaloids. And the most common of these is morphine. If you still do not know what alkaloids, we recommend Googling, at least in order not to meet with them and their derivatives in life. But that's why they needed the plants - it is a mystery

The closer to the equator - the larger species
. Have you ever noticed that the equatorial climate prevails the greatest diversity of species, not only plants and animals, but even the simplest viruses. Any type of Ebola virus emerges and spreads it from Africa or South America. Theories on why the greatest species diversity is concentrated near the equator, there are dozens, but they all contradict each other.

Argentine ants. B>
Whatever it was, but these ants are the only living organisms on earth except man, who managed to settle on their own three continents. How do they do it - it is still a mystery. Appearing in South America, they were able to get yourself to Europe and Asia. At the same time, it should be noted that their genetic code all the time remained unchanged.

Too many phytoplankton. B>
Phytoplankton - these tiny organisms that float in the ocean. Their main secret lies in the fact that they are in the world too much. The basic theory of evolution makes it impossible to survive such a large number of different organisms. Because of this, it is bursting at the seams basic theory of evolution.

Dependence on oxygen. B>
Until recently, scientists believed that all multicellular organisms in the world somehow depend on the content of oxygen in the atmosphere. However, a few years ago in the Mediterranean Sea Animals (important clarification: not unicellular, namely animals) were found, which can live without oxygen. While it was not an isolated case, which can be attributed to a spontaneous mutation, but three different species of invertebrates Lucifer. Scientists still do not have a clue how they evolved.

The emergence of species out of nowhere. B>
Above this mystery, scientists are fighting for many years. The fact that many species of plants and animals on our planet just appeared. They did not have ancestors from which they have evolved, they just appeared. This was the case with the amphibians: not sure of the stage, gave life to amphibians which fish. The earliest land animals there are already well-developed limbs, shoulder and pelvic girdle, ribs and clearly expressed her head. And immediately a dozen different kinds. Same thing with mammals. The earliest mammals were small animals that led a secretive life in the era of the dinosaurs - 100 million years or more ago. Then, after the alleged cataclysm about 65 million years ago, which led to the extinction of the dinosaurs in the fossil history at the same time - about 55 million years ago - there are several different groups of mammals

Amazing cbalansirovannost universe. B>
And here we are talking not only about the world, where we are seeing the incredible consistency of the various parameters and factors that made possible a reasonable life. It is about the entire universe, which also remains a perfectly balanced in all respects. Take for example the sun. If the nuclear power were less atoms only by several percent, there would be no fuel for solar energy, and hence the life on Earth. And whether nuclear power a little more sun would have exploded. On the subtlest calculation of the value of nuclear power it is precisely in a narrow range where neither one nor the other catastrophe can not happen. Changing the distance from the Sun to the Earth by only 2% would make life on Earth impossible. And this is only the basic parameters of the "thinnest setting." Why does everything in the universe so perfectly in unison - a mystery

Why extinct mammoths? B>
The fact that up to now in the north of Siberia and Alaska, scientists sometimes find quite whole, perfectly preserved mammoth carcasses. It could be adults and small mamontyata. But most interesting is that in the stomachs of these mammoths, and not only in the stomach, and even just in the mouth of some specimens and even nedoperevarennaya nedozhevannaya green was detected. This suggests that these animals died quite suddenly, all at once, just for his own dinner table. Why this happened is still unknown to scientists.

Cambrian explosion. B>
First I discovered this oddity Roderick Murchison. By studying fossils of ancient times, found in the relevant deposits, he found that layers of these deposits are separated by a sharp boundary. Below this limit, they are extremely poor biological remains and demonstrate the ubiquity alone the simplest single-celled organisms - bacteria and algae, and then, since the Cambrian period, about 550 million years ago, suddenly acquire an unprecedented wealth of new biological forms. Modern science has dispelled some of this mystery, finding that many of the groups of animals that are found in Cambrian strata lived in kriptozoe. Just most of them were soft-bodied creatures that do not have a solid shell or skeleton. But the mystery of the Cambrian explosion is still, just now the conversation is not that complex life forms emerged out of nowhere, and why so many of them suddenly acquired a mineral skeleton.

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