Shocking ads: 10 shots, which turned Lyudeym Consciousness
Did you know that we are all, without exception - advertising sacrifice? Even the most stubborn, who is not so easy to "mislead brains". "Advertising does not just sell a product, it promotes the idea of success and prosperity, love and sexuality, popularity and standards. It shows who we are and what should be ", - experts say. That is, a successful advertising can literally turn people's minds, to do the norm that had seemed unfamiliar, strange or even unacceptable.
< Versace, 1992
It would seem that this so incredible in this advertisement? Yes, it flaunt iconic supermodel 90, from Linda Evangelista to Naomi Campbell, but what hidden meaning?
It turns out that it has opened a new "era of women's power", when women do not just have equality, but also became much more powerful than men. This is reflected in the appearance - instead skaters pyshnotelye give their rules of the game began to dictate racing girl androgynous
Donna Karan, 1992
. Another symbol of the era -. "Woman president" of an advertising campaign with the slogan "We believe in women»
"I was not trying to elevate women to the detriment of men, and wanted to say that the woman is also a force," - he explained his plan designer Donna Karan. Compare how advertising sneered women around 20-30 years before: the startling changes
Benetton, 1991
! You this picture is shocking?
The image of white and black mothers with adopted child-Asiatic broke just two social standards - the traditional view of the family and racial division of society. Thus, under the slogan "United colors of Benetton» accomplished the revolution, and art director Oliviero Toscani rightly observed that "the picture may be stronger than the whole army».
However, the "traditional" family on another poster of the same brand looks even more controversial: the dying of AIDS young American and his family were killed by grief
Unnatural? Cynically? But it is also true, not staging the story, filmed in a hospital ward. But, as said Toscani, "no shocking photos - just shocking reality." In 1991, the picture has won the prestigious World Press contest.
Calvin Klein Underwear, 1982
This advertising at one time also revolutionized.
Imagine, in the early '80s, when "sexual objects" considered exclusively women, the main square of New York appears a gigantic billboard. And it was also a time of universal fear of AIDS, when any hints of homosexuality associated with the disease. "When we passed, literally, all the passengers on my side of the bus just did not turn his neck, trying to see the poster," - recalled a fashion critic Ingrid Sich first reaction is typically New York audiences
. Céline, 2015
And here is the most recent example of shock advertising.
Instead, young radiant beauty that all the usual waiting in advertising sunglasses suddenly there is an elderly woman (well-known journalist and writer Joan Didion), which does not attempt to hide their age and look more beautiful than it is. You see? Instead of "eye candy" advertising offers us "food for thought", as if to say: "the perfect appearance is not to save, otherwise if you are a complete zero, and who do not agree, that behind the times»
Diesel, 2014 and 2015
A couple of the brightest examples of advertising not only demonstrates the product and gives an emotional jolt.
In the top photo a girl with a disability in a wheelchair is not worse than sitting next to her male model, shows us the famous brand. And on the second picture in the center put a mannequin with vitiligo - a skin disease that causes pigmentation disorders. Catch the idea? "Beauty and perfection - not for a chosen few, each of us is unique, but we are all equal»
Redken, 2015
. You something embarrassing in the air conditioner for the hair ad?
The fact that the Brazilian beauty in the picture - a former male, three years ago, made a sex change operation. Model-transgender have long and successfully marching on podiums and removed advertising, but so far none of them has become the face of global beauty brands. 33-year-old Lea T has destroyed the foundations.
< Nolita against anorexia, 2007
This famous Italian brand of clothing poster you've probably seen.
8 years ago terribly thin girl model was on all billboards and in newspapers during Milan Fashion Week local. Advertising against anorexia launched with the support of the Ministry of Health of Italy. It is, of course, has had a powerful impact, shaking the cult of "harmony at any cost", which has so far prevailed in the world of fashion. But the approach has caused a flurry of criticism that, in the end, the advertising ban. By the way, shooting heroin Isabelle Caro fight against anorexia did not help: she died in 2010
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< Versace, 1992
It would seem that this so incredible in this advertisement? Yes, it flaunt iconic supermodel 90, from Linda Evangelista to Naomi Campbell, but what hidden meaning?

It turns out that it has opened a new "era of women's power", when women do not just have equality, but also became much more powerful than men. This is reflected in the appearance - instead skaters pyshnotelye give their rules of the game began to dictate racing girl androgynous
Donna Karan, 1992
. Another symbol of the era -. "Woman president" of an advertising campaign with the slogan "We believe in women»

"I was not trying to elevate women to the detriment of men, and wanted to say that the woman is also a force," - he explained his plan designer Donna Karan. Compare how advertising sneered women around 20-30 years before: the startling changes
Benetton, 1991
! You this picture is shocking?

The image of white and black mothers with adopted child-Asiatic broke just two social standards - the traditional view of the family and racial division of society. Thus, under the slogan "United colors of Benetton» accomplished the revolution, and art director Oliviero Toscani rightly observed that "the picture may be stronger than the whole army».
However, the "traditional" family on another poster of the same brand looks even more controversial: the dying of AIDS young American and his family were killed by grief

Unnatural? Cynically? But it is also true, not staging the story, filmed in a hospital ward. But, as said Toscani, "no shocking photos - just shocking reality." In 1991, the picture has won the prestigious World Press contest.
Calvin Klein Underwear, 1982
This advertising at one time also revolutionized.

Imagine, in the early '80s, when "sexual objects" considered exclusively women, the main square of New York appears a gigantic billboard. And it was also a time of universal fear of AIDS, when any hints of homosexuality associated with the disease. "When we passed, literally, all the passengers on my side of the bus just did not turn his neck, trying to see the poster," - recalled a fashion critic Ingrid Sich first reaction is typically New York audiences
. Céline, 2015
And here is the most recent example of shock advertising.

Instead, young radiant beauty that all the usual waiting in advertising sunglasses suddenly there is an elderly woman (well-known journalist and writer Joan Didion), which does not attempt to hide their age and look more beautiful than it is. You see? Instead of "eye candy" advertising offers us "food for thought", as if to say: "the perfect appearance is not to save, otherwise if you are a complete zero, and who do not agree, that behind the times»
Diesel, 2014 and 2015
A couple of the brightest examples of advertising not only demonstrates the product and gives an emotional jolt.

In the top photo a girl with a disability in a wheelchair is not worse than sitting next to her male model, shows us the famous brand. And on the second picture in the center put a mannequin with vitiligo - a skin disease that causes pigmentation disorders. Catch the idea? "Beauty and perfection - not for a chosen few, each of us is unique, but we are all equal»
Redken, 2015
. You something embarrassing in the air conditioner for the hair ad?

The fact that the Brazilian beauty in the picture - a former male, three years ago, made a sex change operation. Model-transgender have long and successfully marching on podiums and removed advertising, but so far none of them has become the face of global beauty brands. 33-year-old Lea T has destroyed the foundations.
< Nolita against anorexia, 2007
This famous Italian brand of clothing poster you've probably seen.
8 years ago terribly thin girl model was on all billboards and in newspapers during Milan Fashion Week local. Advertising against anorexia launched with the support of the Ministry of Health of Italy. It is, of course, has had a powerful impact, shaking the cult of "harmony at any cost", which has so far prevailed in the world of fashion. But the approach has caused a flurry of criticism that, in the end, the advertising ban. By the way, shooting heroin Isabelle Caro fight against anorexia did not help: she died in 2010
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