Edible weeds-a storehouse of vitamins!
It turns out, the weeds are so many edible and mineral specimens.
It's just a storehouse of vitamins and vitality! To grow onions and dill, lot of hard work, and these fellows grow themselves, and they transcend all, because during their evolution they have so cleverly adapted to survive, they even cottager with a hoe not a decree.
Edible earliest and tender leaves. So they did not burn the language, their sense slightly scalded with boiling water. Although I miss it through a meat grinder, and she loses more than half its pungency.
From young nettle leaves can be cooked soup (like oxalic), meatballs, green oil or salad.
The edible leaves are used in salads, soups, casseroles, stuffed cabbage makes of them and burgers. Dried and powdered leaves are used as a seasoning for first dishes.
Edible roots, flowers and leaves. Dried in the oven for the roots can be ground - to get a drink at the coffee type. Also, the roots can stew or boiled. From flowers to cook a delicious jam. The leaves are soaked in salted water to the bitterness left, and used in a salad.
Use the whole plant. It can be put in the salad, and cook with her soups. The seeds taste like mustard.
From flowers make a useful tea leaves and go into a salad, soup or meatballs.
Quinoa (white goosefoot)
Edible leaves and seeds. The leaves are very nutritious because they contain protein. From the leaves make soup, casseroles, salads. It even kvass like cabbage. Seeds are ground to a powder and added to the dough when baking bread.
wheat grass root
In the spring the roots are juicy, white, and asks in a salad. They need to soak, wash and chop the salad. The dried roots are used for tea, very useful.
Ramsons (onion bearish)
Ramson know everything on the market, it appears before all green. We love it for the special spicy garlic taste. She is good in salads, soups, salad as a filling for pies and dumplings, and just a bit of sugar.
That's really annoying weed, it is not saved from the garden! But in the early spring in very handy on the table. In the food are leaves, the very first, just making their way out of the ground. They are also used in salads and soups.
Yes, this herb is quite edible. Leaves, flowers and roots are eaten. Young leaves resemble the taste of spinach.
It is no accident so-called, its leaves have a sour lemon taste, which means they have a lot of vitamin C, as required in the spring. Fresh leaves are added to the salad, and tea of them will have a pleasant tartness.
Burdock (burdock)
Burdock is good not only in the fight for thick hair, its roots and stems in an unusually tasty stew. Its even cultivated in Japan as vegetable crops. From the roots can be cooked jam or added raw to salads.
Lush green wood louse is used in salads, soups or as a dried spice to dishes.
Cleft cabbage (stonecrop)
Juicy crunchy leaves are good in salads, as they marinate or add to the other vegetables and cook casseroles and burgers.
Young fertile whitewashed put in jelly and fruit drinks, puddings. Green succulent stems are eaten raw or stewed.
Perhaps you do not know, but any plant, even a weed, has healing properties. But not all of them are edible, and some before eating require special handling. Please note that such medicinal plants as yarrow, willow-herb, lady's mantle, knot-grass, lungwort, cinquefoil, cowslip (Primula), goat's rue, cornflower blue and edible. Collect the very young shoots and safely use them in spring salads.
It's just a storehouse of vitamins and vitality! To grow onions and dill, lot of hard work, and these fellows grow themselves, and they transcend all, because during their evolution they have so cleverly adapted to survive, they even cottager with a hoe not a decree.

Edible earliest and tender leaves. So they did not burn the language, their sense slightly scalded with boiling water. Although I miss it through a meat grinder, and she loses more than half its pungency.
From young nettle leaves can be cooked soup (like oxalic), meatballs, green oil or salad.
The edible leaves are used in salads, soups, casseroles, stuffed cabbage makes of them and burgers. Dried and powdered leaves are used as a seasoning for first dishes.
Edible roots, flowers and leaves. Dried in the oven for the roots can be ground - to get a drink at the coffee type. Also, the roots can stew or boiled. From flowers to cook a delicious jam. The leaves are soaked in salted water to the bitterness left, and used in a salad.
Use the whole plant. It can be put in the salad, and cook with her soups. The seeds taste like mustard.
From flowers make a useful tea leaves and go into a salad, soup or meatballs.
Quinoa (white goosefoot)
Edible leaves and seeds. The leaves are very nutritious because they contain protein. From the leaves make soup, casseroles, salads. It even kvass like cabbage. Seeds are ground to a powder and added to the dough when baking bread.
wheat grass root
In the spring the roots are juicy, white, and asks in a salad. They need to soak, wash and chop the salad. The dried roots are used for tea, very useful.
Ramsons (onion bearish)
Ramson know everything on the market, it appears before all green. We love it for the special spicy garlic taste. She is good in salads, soups, salad as a filling for pies and dumplings, and just a bit of sugar.
That's really annoying weed, it is not saved from the garden! But in the early spring in very handy on the table. In the food are leaves, the very first, just making their way out of the ground. They are also used in salads and soups.
Yes, this herb is quite edible. Leaves, flowers and roots are eaten. Young leaves resemble the taste of spinach.
It is no accident so-called, its leaves have a sour lemon taste, which means they have a lot of vitamin C, as required in the spring. Fresh leaves are added to the salad, and tea of them will have a pleasant tartness.
Burdock (burdock)
Burdock is good not only in the fight for thick hair, its roots and stems in an unusually tasty stew. Its even cultivated in Japan as vegetable crops. From the roots can be cooked jam or added raw to salads.
Lush green wood louse is used in salads, soups or as a dried spice to dishes.
Cleft cabbage (stonecrop)
Juicy crunchy leaves are good in salads, as they marinate or add to the other vegetables and cook casseroles and burgers.
Young fertile whitewashed put in jelly and fruit drinks, puddings. Green succulent stems are eaten raw or stewed.
Perhaps you do not know, but any plant, even a weed, has healing properties. But not all of them are edible, and some before eating require special handling. Please note that such medicinal plants as yarrow, willow-herb, lady's mantle, knot-grass, lungwort, cinquefoil, cowslip (Primula), goat's rue, cornflower blue and edible. Collect the very young shoots and safely use them in spring salads.
Structure of personality according to Jung
Photo "swapped": Mally and Skalder, David Bowie and Tilda Swinton