Elegant exercise to start the microcirculation of the blood in the pelvis
The reason for the huge number of diseases is to stop the blood microcirculation, in some parts of the body.
How to help yourself and prevent congestion and remove blocks in the body?
How to restore blood circulation in the pelvis.
A simple but effective exercise of complex wave gymnastics "Circles and eights»
Complex Wave gymnastics
"Circles and eights».
The essence of the exercise is that we produce the pelvis rotated in different planes.
No matter how simple this exercise may seem, many have noticed that in some planes the exercise works out well, while others -no Therefore, do not leave attempts to achieve proper performance. Exercise great releases sexual energy.
Run circles and eights can be in any position: standing, sitting, lying on his stomach or lying on your back. standing start to get used to the complex in the best position.
We turn 8 laps parallel to the floor in a clockwise direction and 8 laps counterclockwise.
We turn 8 eights elongated loops in hand (as a sign of infinity)
one-way and 8 eights to the other side.
You are free to come up with an additional plane to the torsion eights eg diagonally.
Exercise gives amazing results:
Disappear blocks and clamps,
blood circulation is restored,
run self-regulation, recovery occurs.
And it is not only the dynamics, but also in the action of the vortex of energy flows, which we will launch in the body.
How to help yourself and prevent congestion and remove blocks in the body?
How to restore blood circulation in the pelvis.
A simple but effective exercise of complex wave gymnastics "Circles and eights»
Complex Wave gymnastics
"Circles and eights».

The essence of the exercise is that we produce the pelvis rotated in different planes.
No matter how simple this exercise may seem, many have noticed that in some planes the exercise works out well, while others -no Therefore, do not leave attempts to achieve proper performance. Exercise great releases sexual energy.
Run circles and eights can be in any position: standing, sitting, lying on his stomach or lying on your back. standing start to get used to the complex in the best position.
We turn 8 laps parallel to the floor in a clockwise direction and 8 laps counterclockwise.
We turn 8 eights elongated loops in hand (as a sign of infinity)
one-way and 8 eights to the other side.
You are free to come up with an additional plane to the torsion eights eg diagonally.
Exercise gives amazing results:
Disappear blocks and clamps,
blood circulation is restored,
run self-regulation, recovery occurs.
And it is not only the dynamics, but also in the action of the vortex of energy flows, which we will launch in the body.
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