Slavic secret of youth
Swans - so we know the weed - there are other names: wild spinach, flour or goose grass, gruel and other
. Today quinoa in Russia as a source of various vitamins, fiber and minerals, undeservedly forgotten. Meanwhile, in some countries, it is revered as a valuable spinach plant.
However, the Russians have in a certain historical period had every reason to send the quinoa into oblivion. The older generation it is associated with terrible memories of hungry Godin, military ration poverty. It is still possible to hear from the veterans: "Yeah, we ate swan vvolyushku" or sharper "goryushko something you did not know, of quinoa bread not edali!»
A small digression: when all sense of pity for the elderly people, arises in these words, no, no yes and flashes me a thought ... Despite the fact that they had experienced the 37th year, the war, the postwar chaos, stagnation, perestroika, dashing 90-s - they remain remarkably resilient. And though overcome their illness, they still, for the most part, keep the garden, go for mushrooms and berries in the forest, help children and grandchildren. Is it not the case that at one time they were fed even dimly, but naturally, without chemicals and other "charms", which are crammed with our products today. Forgive me, veterans, if I'm wrong and hurt them with his inference.
So, about quinoa. Perhaps it is time to correct their genetic memory and remember the word quinoa is not evil, but good? By God, she deserves it! Judge for yourself.
The leaves of quinoa contains vitamins A, E, P, PP, protein, rutin, proteins, essential oils, fiber, minerals. For example, quinoa leaves present a number of carotene that 3-4 tablespoons in particulate form capable of ensuring the daily human need for vitamin A.
Seeds - excellent phospholipids, which are the building blocks of cell membranes, maintaining normal body cells. You can not only use unrefined seed. Whole seeds are not digested by the human body and can cause intestinal upset.
Natives of the Americas extracted from quinoa ... salt! To do this, they burn through the stems of the plant. A Greek physician Galen argued that the degree of satiety quinoa can be equated to animal products. Later, scientists have confirmed the opinion of Galen, explaining the feeling of satiety high content of proteins in the Swan.
Beekeepers say that if it was not pollen quinoa, the bees simply have disappeared, testing pergovuyu hunger strike, because it is with her striped toilers removed ambrosia.
Traditional medicine is very fan of quinoa. At all times it was treated with abdominal pain and sore throat, and even sores, scabs and spots on the body. She also quenched aching joints. Of course, in the 21st century, when the pharmacies a wide choice of effective ointments, gels and the like, funny apply to wounds or aching joints quinoa leaves, but as an ambulance - it is reasonable (for example, at their summer cottage). Or, say, as the washings decoction for acne or oily skin of the face.
With powerful phytoncide action which has quinoa, can be cleaned of toxins intestines, gall bladder and liver. It's enough to add it raw in salads, soups and summer cocktails. Fortunately, the use of the miracle herb can be from early spring, as soon as she appeared on the sun thawed, until late autumn, almost until frost.
And now - the most important thing for those who are looking for natural remedies for rejuvenation. The first infusion of quinoa. If they wash twice a day for a month, you can see how to improve the complexion (still, is nourishment for the skin!), Disappeared irregularities and become less noticeable dark spots.
Recipe tincture is simple: take a bit of grass, fill it with boiling water, wrapped a warm scarf and give a half-hour stand - all the infusion is ready. The amount of boiling water and herbs arbitrary. You can make a tincture of ice and, instead of washing, wipe the face, morning and evening with a piece of ice.
Secondly, the great rejuvenation of the cause is known from time immemorial mask quinoa. She once even called Slavic secret of youth - a response to the famous Cleopatra's secret of youth
. It is believed that using dried quinoa, you can get a more powerful effect.
So, 1 tsp chopped herbs pour 1/3 cup of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour.
Strain, add the milk.
Now moisten in this solution a small soft cloth and apply on the pre-washed by the person.
Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
You can change the composition of the mask, but the basis must be the infusion of quinoa. For example, some women added to the infusion of milk powder, kneaded, until a creamy mass, then applied a thick layer on the face and wash off after 20 minutes with cold water.
And you can add yogurt, kefir or sour cream. However, this will not be an old Slavic youth mask in its pure form, but the effect of rejuvenation will certainly follow. Apply the mask can be 2-3 times a week.
Attention! - Decorative quinoa is not suitable for use in healing and rejuvenation, as It has the composition of vitamins, minerals and active substances, which is rich quinoa ordinary. Collect swans on its suburban areas (this is, in fact, weeds), in environmentally friendly areas, and in any case not on the streets or along the roads.
In the old days quinoa harvested as food or external application is not even washed in order to maintain a whitish bloom.
Author: Lyudmila Nowicka, physician
. Today quinoa in Russia as a source of various vitamins, fiber and minerals, undeservedly forgotten. Meanwhile, in some countries, it is revered as a valuable spinach plant.

However, the Russians have in a certain historical period had every reason to send the quinoa into oblivion. The older generation it is associated with terrible memories of hungry Godin, military ration poverty. It is still possible to hear from the veterans: "Yeah, we ate swan vvolyushku" or sharper "goryushko something you did not know, of quinoa bread not edali!»
A small digression: when all sense of pity for the elderly people, arises in these words, no, no yes and flashes me a thought ... Despite the fact that they had experienced the 37th year, the war, the postwar chaos, stagnation, perestroika, dashing 90-s - they remain remarkably resilient. And though overcome their illness, they still, for the most part, keep the garden, go for mushrooms and berries in the forest, help children and grandchildren. Is it not the case that at one time they were fed even dimly, but naturally, without chemicals and other "charms", which are crammed with our products today. Forgive me, veterans, if I'm wrong and hurt them with his inference.
So, about quinoa. Perhaps it is time to correct their genetic memory and remember the word quinoa is not evil, but good? By God, she deserves it! Judge for yourself.
The leaves of quinoa contains vitamins A, E, P, PP, protein, rutin, proteins, essential oils, fiber, minerals. For example, quinoa leaves present a number of carotene that 3-4 tablespoons in particulate form capable of ensuring the daily human need for vitamin A.
Seeds - excellent phospholipids, which are the building blocks of cell membranes, maintaining normal body cells. You can not only use unrefined seed. Whole seeds are not digested by the human body and can cause intestinal upset.
Natives of the Americas extracted from quinoa ... salt! To do this, they burn through the stems of the plant. A Greek physician Galen argued that the degree of satiety quinoa can be equated to animal products. Later, scientists have confirmed the opinion of Galen, explaining the feeling of satiety high content of proteins in the Swan.
Beekeepers say that if it was not pollen quinoa, the bees simply have disappeared, testing pergovuyu hunger strike, because it is with her striped toilers removed ambrosia.
Traditional medicine is very fan of quinoa. At all times it was treated with abdominal pain and sore throat, and even sores, scabs and spots on the body. She also quenched aching joints. Of course, in the 21st century, when the pharmacies a wide choice of effective ointments, gels and the like, funny apply to wounds or aching joints quinoa leaves, but as an ambulance - it is reasonable (for example, at their summer cottage). Or, say, as the washings decoction for acne or oily skin of the face.
With powerful phytoncide action which has quinoa, can be cleaned of toxins intestines, gall bladder and liver. It's enough to add it raw in salads, soups and summer cocktails. Fortunately, the use of the miracle herb can be from early spring, as soon as she appeared on the sun thawed, until late autumn, almost until frost.
And now - the most important thing for those who are looking for natural remedies for rejuvenation. The first infusion of quinoa. If they wash twice a day for a month, you can see how to improve the complexion (still, is nourishment for the skin!), Disappeared irregularities and become less noticeable dark spots.
Recipe tincture is simple: take a bit of grass, fill it with boiling water, wrapped a warm scarf and give a half-hour stand - all the infusion is ready. The amount of boiling water and herbs arbitrary. You can make a tincture of ice and, instead of washing, wipe the face, morning and evening with a piece of ice.
Secondly, the great rejuvenation of the cause is known from time immemorial mask quinoa. She once even called Slavic secret of youth - a response to the famous Cleopatra's secret of youth
. It is believed that using dried quinoa, you can get a more powerful effect.
So, 1 tsp chopped herbs pour 1/3 cup of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour.
Strain, add the milk.
Now moisten in this solution a small soft cloth and apply on the pre-washed by the person.
Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
You can change the composition of the mask, but the basis must be the infusion of quinoa. For example, some women added to the infusion of milk powder, kneaded, until a creamy mass, then applied a thick layer on the face and wash off after 20 minutes with cold water.
And you can add yogurt, kefir or sour cream. However, this will not be an old Slavic youth mask in its pure form, but the effect of rejuvenation will certainly follow. Apply the mask can be 2-3 times a week.
Attention! - Decorative quinoa is not suitable for use in healing and rejuvenation, as It has the composition of vitamins, minerals and active substances, which is rich quinoa ordinary. Collect swans on its suburban areas (this is, in fact, weeds), in environmentally friendly areas, and in any case not on the streets or along the roads.
In the old days quinoa harvested as food or external application is not even washed in order to maintain a whitish bloom.
Author: Lyudmila Nowicka, physician