In the Czech Republic, invented a new type of Li-Ion Battery
A patent for a new type of battery belongs HE3DA, which is owned by the scientist Prochazka and businessmen Vladimir Prus Radomir Jirka. A new battery Czech radically different from previously known samples of production. Prior to this battery created from a thin metal electrode films of active layers. Cech coined placed galvanic cells are not vertically and horizontally in the form of plates in a frame. As a result, the capacity of the electrodes was able to increase 20 times.
Experts believe that the opening of Prochazka can accelerate the mass distribution of electric vehicles and make a more efficient storage of energy produced from wind and solar power. The new type of battery, developed by Czech scientists called revolutionary because produce and store energy easily can even large enterprises.
China has not stood aside. Currently in the country exponentially growing sales of electric vehicles, and increasing the capacity of the battery will increase the autonomy of these vehicles, so Chinese companies are closely watching the developments in this field.
Chinese investor, entrepreneur Chu Tuan made a non-refundable deposit in the amount of 5 million euros, and the company is ready to invest € 100 million (2, 7 billion kroons).
The Chinese want to put the case for a stream - so, in the north of Moravia in the town of Horni Sucha factory should appear, which will produce new battery
. In the Czech Republic will primarily focus on the development of technology and mass production plan to organize abroad, including in China.
In addition to the Chinese interest in the invention and other investors - from Germany and Slovakia. But the 47-year-old billionaire from China ahead of them. For the package of 49% of the shares he has paid the whole 50 million euros next year ready to invest another 50 million. The investment comes through his German company CDC Investment.
"We are looking across Europe exclusive projects, in which we would like to invest. From Mr. Prochazka we met last fall. We believe that this technology can revolutionize the energy sector »,
said Chu, who is now in the Czech Republic and brought his team of experts.
On the creation of the batteries, which would have housed more energy would be more simple to manufacture and will be recharged, the past few years employed thousands of scientists and companies. And it invested a lot of money. For example, the American Tesla with Panasonic is building a large factory for the production of batteries in Nevada. The investments amount to $ 5 billion. According to Bloomberg estimates, the market for car batteries in the 2015-2024 biennium. estimated at 221 billion dollars.

Experts believe that the opening of Prochazka can accelerate the mass distribution of electric vehicles and make a more efficient storage of energy produced from wind and solar power. The new type of battery, developed by Czech scientists called revolutionary because produce and store energy easily can even large enterprises.
China has not stood aside. Currently in the country exponentially growing sales of electric vehicles, and increasing the capacity of the battery will increase the autonomy of these vehicles, so Chinese companies are closely watching the developments in this field.
Chinese investor, entrepreneur Chu Tuan made a non-refundable deposit in the amount of 5 million euros, and the company is ready to invest € 100 million (2, 7 billion kroons).

The Chinese want to put the case for a stream - so, in the north of Moravia in the town of Horni Sucha factory should appear, which will produce new battery
. In the Czech Republic will primarily focus on the development of technology and mass production plan to organize abroad, including in China.
In addition to the Chinese interest in the invention and other investors - from Germany and Slovakia. But the 47-year-old billionaire from China ahead of them. For the package of 49% of the shares he has paid the whole 50 million euros next year ready to invest another 50 million. The investment comes through his German company CDC Investment.
"We are looking across Europe exclusive projects, in which we would like to invest. From Mr. Prochazka we met last fall. We believe that this technology can revolutionize the energy sector »,
said Chu, who is now in the Czech Republic and brought his team of experts.
On the creation of the batteries, which would have housed more energy would be more simple to manufacture and will be recharged, the past few years employed thousands of scientists and companies. And it invested a lot of money. For example, the American Tesla with Panasonic is building a large factory for the production of batteries in Nevada. The investments amount to $ 5 billion. According to Bloomberg estimates, the market for car batteries in the 2015-2024 biennium. estimated at 221 billion dollars.